Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We are gradually out of the shock.



I have been recalled of what happened when the ship Doulos was sailing while I was on board in 1992. As I had never had a ride on the ship like that, I was at first feeling very sick. And then when I took out of the fridge what I had bought in the market, cooked many dishes, and invited about 10 friends on board to eat with me, my seasick was gone and we had a good time eating and chatting together.


Something similar happened here in Wewak last week. Kellen and I were extraordinarily warmly greeted in the market, stores, and on the streets. We were given bunches of vegetables, nuts, sago pancakes. And even when we were waiting for someone in the café area in the bookstore, we were given a large portion of popcorns. PNG people are talkative. But when it comes to express inner feelings, they have difficulties. All what they have given to us it their way of saying, “It’s good that you are safe.” as well as “I know it must be very difficult for you foreigners.” One of them, seeing me being very touched, said, “Helpim, helpim.” That means, “We all have to help one another.” By sharing and helping, they are being healed. Or I should say this is the way people here get themselves healed. And I, with many kisses I gave the ladies, I am healed by God, too. When waving goodbye to the trucks sending those who lost their homes in the fights back to restore their lands, I feel God kissing this land with His tremendous love. Once I heard a missionary who used to serve in PNG say, “Missionaries are not to bring God’s love to the locals, but to realize that God’s love has already been there.” I think he was very right to say that. I thank God for bringing me, such a fragile vessel, to PNG. PNG has been a school of life to me.

上星期在威瓦克也發生相似的事。我們在菜市場、商店、以及街道上受到超乎尋常熱情的問候。在菜市場有人送菜、有人送豆、有人送西谷餅,連在書局的咖啡區等人的時候,店長都送我們一大袋爆米花。新幾內亞的人很愛講話,但是真要表達深感情的時候他們就講不出來了。透過送給我們東西,他們在表達:「看到你們平安真好。」、「我知道這對你們外國人來說真不容易。」其中一個人看我非常感動,就對我說:「Helpim, helpim」意思是說「我們應當彼此幫助」。透過分享跟相助,他們正在療癒的路上。或許我應該說這是他們得療癒的方式。我呢?我好喜歡親這裡的婦女喔!親她們的時候,上帝也醫治我了。卡車載著在爭鬥中失去家園的人回去重建家園,在對著卡車揮別的時候,我感覺上帝無比的大愛正在親吻這片土地。有一位過去在新幾內亞服事的宣教士說過:「宣教士不是去把上帝的愛帶給當地人,而是在當地發現上帝的愛已經在那裏。」我想他說的可真對。感謝上帝帶領我們這軟弱的器皿來到新幾內亞,這個國家是我們的生命學校。

Please remember us in your prayers.


1. We have written a letter back to Ambunti to the students in the sewing class, encouraging them to service in the church with what they have learned in class. May God protect our fruit of work in Ambunti and inspire the students to start Dorcas Fellowship in their churches.

2. May God heal my high blood pressure, and make me slow down.

3. The car we have bought was owned by a Taiwanese officer. And the document of transfer has been held at the Foreign Affairs Office. May God be in charge.

4. Kellen is ordering some tools from Taiwan. May God give her wisdom to find she really needs, and make her do the shopping efficiently.

5. May God give us wisdom and insight while working with churches and other organizations.

6. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png