Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. I have stayed in Tony & JoJo’s house since December 25th. Thanks to God for their love and care that has made me recover from the weariness.


感謝你忠心地為我們禱告。 1225日以來,我一直住在Tony & JoJo的家裡。感謝上帝,有他們的愛心照顧,我已經從疲憊中恢復過來。

As mentioned in my last update on December 18th, I had to rebook my trip back to PNG instead of travelling with Douglas in the beginning of January. My first reschedule was to leave Vancouver on December 19th and arrive in POM (PNG) on the 21st. Due to the bad weather and delayed flights, Douglas rebooked my flights four more times, and I finally arrived in POM on the 25th. Thank you for your participating in my long journey through your prayers according to all the special prayer requests I sent from the different airports. It was God that sustained me in all difficulties. I believe that it is going to be an unforgettable memory in my life and the experience of God’s presence is going to make us more mature in spirit.

誠如在 12 18 日的上一封代禱信所說,我必須重訂返回新幾內亞的機位,不能如原計畫在一月初與道格拉斯一起回。第一次重訂的行程是1219日離開溫哥華,21日抵達POM(新幾內亞首都)。由於氣候惡劣和班機一班接一班往後延誤,道格拉斯又必須為我重新訂票四次,我終於在25日抵達 POM。感謝您根據Sandy從不同機場發送的所有特別代禱需求,通過您的祈禱參與我的漫長旅程。在所有困難中有上帝一路扶持,相信這將是生命中難忘的回憶,上帝同在的經歷將使我們靈性更加成熟。

Doulas is visiting his eldest son and daughter-in-law, Sam & Christine, in Hawaii. I am waiting for him in POM. Hopefully, he will leave on the 4th for POM via Manila and arrive on the 5th. After having some work done in POM, we will be flying to Wewak on the 7th.

道格拉斯正在夏威夷探望他的大兒子和媳婦Sam & Christine 我在POM等他。順利的話,他會在4日出發經馬尼拉飛往POM,並於5日抵達。在POM處理一些公務後,我們7日就要搭機到威瓦克。

Please remember us in your prayers.


1. The power outage in the Philippines on New Year’s Day has disrupted nearly 300 flights. Douglas’ coming back to PNG requires God’s mercy. May God bless his journey back to PNG vis Manila on the 4th and 5th, and our flight from POM to Wewak on the 7th.
菲律賓元旦大停電已造成近300個航班中斷。道格拉斯回到新幾內亞的旅途需要上帝的憐憫。求上帝保守他在 4 日和 5 日飛經馬尼拉到達新幾內亞的旅程,以及我們7日從 新幾內亞首都POM 飛往威瓦克的航班。

2. May God guide us in preparation work and shopping chores in Wewak for going to Ambunti.

3. MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) is facing some challenges with manpower, planes and airstrips. Therefore, our journey back to Ambunti from Wewak requires God’s special mercy, too. May God pave our way.

4. May God grant me His divine wisdom and guidance in being a good wife and new skills I have to learn to assist Douglas in PIM.

5. There are 50 teachers serving in PIM schools in the remote areas in PNG. May God grant them safe journey from their home back to work after the summer vacation.
PIM (太島宣教事工) 有五十位老師在新幾內亞偏鄉的PIM學校服務。求神保守他們結束暑假由家鄉返回工作崗位的旅途。

6. May God give confidence and willingness to those who have received Level One sewing training in Ambunti PNG that they will all use what they have been trained for developing Dorcas fellowship in their churches, and they will be better prepared for receiving Level Two sewing training.

7. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊 (New新)