Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. The workshop of making shopping bags has been going on well. The ladies are making a lot of progress in making bias. And we all enjoy learning emotion management and psychological boundaries through studying the Book of Esther at the devotional time of the workshop. The characters of the Bible story appear so vivid in our mind that it works more than any textbook can do in teaching lessons in life as Bible stories are easy to internalize. The women are confident, too, that they will be able to do the Bible study with others when running Dorcas Fellowship in the church. The single mother that I mentioned in the last update has started selling her sewing works in the market and many orders have been made with her.  



Because of mowing and burning the grass in a big scale in Ambunti for the coming Crocodile Festival, for a lot of time, we had to keep the workshop going with a lot of smoke in the classroom. And we make jokes to ourselves saying that we will all turn into smoked fish when the workshop finishes. By the way, smoked fish is their everyday food as fish is most available meat and they don’t have electricity or a fridge in their houses.

The women here use sewing machines that are cranked by hand mainly because they don’t have tables or chairs in their houses. Knowing that they have to do a lot of work sitting on the floor or the ground, I have designed a long skirt that is not wide but is able to stretch in width when the one wearing it sits on the floor. They all love this comfortable skirt. Hopefully, I will teach them when they finish the Level Three training and are skillful enough in working with bias fabric.

Because of the coming festival and the preparation of the openings of two court houses in Ambunti and another county that PIM built for the government, Douglas is working much more time outdoor with the staff. Last Friday, he came back to the house from the sun with burned legs. Thank God that we had bought some cucumber in the morning, and the slices of cucumber worked good for burned skin. He said that he had never been well treated like this.


Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.  May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.  Susan, a teacher who serves in a PIM school in a remote village, has been suffering for three years from pain on a big swelling on her waist. She has taken numerous trip to the hospital in Wewak, being disappointed by no show of the doctor who had promised her to give her an operation. May God grant His mercy on Susan with His divine healing.

3.  Doing the preparation for the Crocodile Festival, villagers are doing a lot of mowing. There is a lot of smoke from burning the grass every day, especially in the evening and at night. May God heal my cough.  

4.  May God give me wisdom and strength in conducting the workshop of making shopping bags.  

5.  May God give courage and patience to the women of SSEC church that they are able to make good sewing works and raise the fund for the church generator.  

6.  May God give Douglas wisdom in solving the water supply issue in dry season.  

7.   May God heal Douglas’ swollen ankle.

8.   Douglas and I are supposed to leave PNG for the US. But my work visa has not been approved yet, and my passport is in the tube. May God pave our path.  
道格拉斯和Sandy 八月十三日將離境到美國(籌備年底的兩次理監事會議),但Sandy 的工作簽證還沒消息,護照也還在政府部門,求神開路。

9.  Douglas has many projects in hand that need to be complete before our departure. May God guide him and the local staff he leads to work efficiently.

10.  It was recently found that our missionary dormitory in Ambunti that was built in 1968 is in danger of collapsing. The addiction that was made in 1982 has several pillars that are either eaten up by termites or decomposed in the cement base. Douglas is working on it. May God bless he and the staff’s efficiency and safety at work.

11.   May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊 (New新)