Dear all,

How are you doing? May God’s divine guidance be with you and His mercy cover you.

Thank you very much for being our partners. God is so merciful that He listens and He works at all time. This morning I was informed that the registration of PNGMM (PNG Mission Mobilization) had been approved. My grateful tears came out because of the faithfulness of God and very much effort of Tian-En-Tang, Chinese Methodist Church in PNG.




PNGMM is for setting up the platform for all Chinese Christians to work on cross-cultural mission in PNG. It’s God’s perfect timing. In the recent months, a new available route from Taiwan to PNG that is much cheaper than our original route just started. Our next trip to PNG is on February 11. We will try this new trip. And hopefully for the second trip of 2020, we can enter PNG with the work visa.


God has used our booklets to reach people in the sewing class I attend too. This week I have got some feedback from a lady who has left God for decades. Before my identity of a missionary had made me very distant from my classmates for the fact that my world is too hard for them to comprehend. Now the booklets draw my world nearer to what they can imagine.


As what my last letter said, this month I will be packed with intensive sewing class. Actually, on Monday it was my first time to have a sewing teacher who was very hot tempered and I didn’t understand some of his wordings. Because of God’s mercy, praying very hard in my heart while the teacher blew-up, I could catch all his main unique ideas on graphing that were really excellent and had been the result of his born-with talent and hard work of many years.


We need you to walk with us on the journey. Please remember us in your prayer.

1. May God guide us in arranging our trip to PNG in Feb. 2020.

2. May God guide us to get to understand the process of applying for work permit.

3. May God grant us with partnership and long-term support from churches and Christian individuals.

4. May God strengthen me for my delivering messages on the coming Sunday and Monday.

5. May God bless me with learning and the time management in this extremely busy month.

6. May God continue using our booklets to reach unbelievers in my sewing classes I attend.


1. 求神引導我們安排2020年二月到新幾內亞的旅程。

2. 求神引導我們一步步了解工作簽證的申請流程。

3. 求神預備,使我們與各教會及基督徒個人有長期的支援夥伴關係。

4. 求神保守我在接下來主日崇拜及星期一團契的信息分享。

5. 求神恩待我在這個極度忙碌的月份有好的學習及時間管理。

6. 求神繼續使用我們的事工見證小書觸摸裁縫課的同學們。

All for Him Who loves us so much


