Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Our car was supposed to arrive today. But the crane broke, so the ship had to return to Lae, unload, and then reload all the containers onto another ship with a crane that works. And hopefully our car will be in Wewak on the 29th. Well, anything can happen here. We have to always expect the unexpected and be flexible anytime for anything.



Last week Kellen, I and some other TMM missionaries and staff served in an online mission expo that was designed like a computer game. And we got to used to the way young generation are informed of the world. It was quite inspiring to me. When I was 25, I bought my first computer and began writing my first book. My grandmother who was about 83, after being quiet about the new gadget of mine for a month, asked me something that has amused me even now, “You have been playing very hard, but why is this piano making no music?” It took me a great effort to explain to her what a computer was. But she was not ready to change the way she was informed of the world. We may have the time that we get stubborn, saying that we don’t want to change, or in the inner part of us actually saying that we are scared of breaking through. But thinking about how God has been reaching people, we might have different thinking. The other day I saw a car that said “GRACE” on the door. When I looked closer, it was “God Reaches At Christ’s Expense”. And,… at what expense or with what kind of breaking through are we willing to reach people?

上星期我和Kellen跟台灣華人動員宣教協會的其他宣教士及同工一起在一個線上的宣教博覽會服事,整個博覽會的介面設計得像是電腦遊戲,讓我們必須習慣於新一代年輕人接觸世界的方式,也使我感觸良多。當我26歲時買了屬於我的第一部電腦,開始寫我的第一本書。我的奶奶那時候大約83歲左右,她看著我的新玩意兒靜靜觀察了一個月,然後她忍不住問我:「妳很認真地一直彈,可是妳的鋼琴怎麼都彈不出音樂來?」我花了很大的工夫向她解釋電腦是什麼,但是奶奶並不是很想改變她對世界的認知。我們也很有可能持著頑固的態度說:「我不想改變。」或者我們內在的聲音說的是:「我害怕突破。」 但是想一想上帝如何使人得到福音,我們可能會有不同的想法。前幾天我看到一部車的門上面寫著恩典(GRACE),當我走進一看,發現那是五個英文字的縮寫,意思是「上帝付出基督為代價使人得著福音」。...那麼為著福音的緣故,我們願意付出什麼代價或做哪方面的突破呢?

After two weeks' hard work of finding and shopping done by church ladies in Taiwan, my latest DHL parcel has been mailed and arrived in POM, the capital of PNG. And it’s supposed to come to Wewak soon. There will be the third of my online-trying-on wedding dresses. And if it doesn’t work well, I will have to use the fabric in the parcel and make my own wedding dress. Of course, it is impossible for me to have more than three wedding dresses like what most Taiwanese brides do. That is, one worn at the wedding, another at the beginning and the most part of the reception, and a third at the end of the reception. Even making one is stressful enough, plus many other works. When the church pastors came over to make the discussions, I felt strongly burdened that we should to something for young people in PNG concerning their marital education. Nowadays, you can hardly see local people have their weddings when they get married. Many of the kids I got to know when I came in 2011 are now married. And none of them had a wedding, and not to mention, had Biblical marital teaching. I hope, if God’s will, that we can eventually work together with the churches here, providing both premarital education and wedding dress service to the local young people. That will be saving our sighing for the marital problems of local people.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God bless PNG and grant peace and wisdom during this month of election.

2. May God enable the government to efficiently arrange proper settlement for those who lost their home in the fight in Wewak.

3. Due to the shortage of fuel, commercial transportation has been seriously cut down. That has caused significant inflationary spike in town. And it would quite possibly develop more social security issue if it lasts too long. May God be in charge.

4. May God protect our fruit of work in Ambunti and inspire the students to start Dorcas Fellowship in their churches.

5. We are developing the teaching scheme of the Level Two sewing course. May God grant us His Divine Wisdom.

6. May God be in charge of the shipment of our car and bring it to us at the right time.

7. May God give us wisdom and insight while working with churches and other organizations.

8. May God guide us in preparation for the wedding and provide everything needed at about time.

9. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png