Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. The participants and I eventually decided not to have sewing classes this month. This allows them to rest peacefully and to focus on the women’s Bible study that is going to last for six days, and me to focus on taking care of Douglas. 

Douglas did not have the break that we had expected him to have after the board’s meeting. Instead, he has become busier and busier as new tasks have been coming up to him. Since he came back for the USA last month, he hasn’t had a good appetite. We used to both agree that we don’t talk about work before going to bed. But on one of the nights last week, he said to me, “Do you want to know what tasks I am doing at the same time these days?” I let him tell me about it. And then, he fell asleep before finishing his list. I thank God for making Douglas sleep well at night but never fall asleep while sitting like many people at his age (or even at my age). But I am quite concerned about his heavy load of work. Not teaching sewing classes this month, I have voluntarily cancelled my weekly non-cooking day, and not made him do the washing up. Hopefully, he would be able to take a five minutes nap after lunch or a few minutes keyboard break after dinner. He needs both more rest and prayer requests than I do.

道格拉斯在理監事會議後並沒有像我們預期的那樣得以喘息。 相反,隨著新的任務不斷擺在他面前,他變得越來越忙碌。 自從上個月從美國回來後,他的食慾一直不好。 原本我們兩人在睡前不談工作,但上週的一個晚上,他對我說:「你想知道我這些天手上同時在處理哪些工作嗎?」 我請他告訴我。 然後,他還沒全部講完就睡著了。 我感謝上帝讓道格拉斯晚上睡得很好,卻從來沒有像許多同齡人(甚至是我這個年紀的人)那樣坐著就睡著。 但我很擔心他的工作負擔太重。 既然這個月我不教縫紉課,就自願取消了每週一日的「非煮日」,也不讓他洗碗。 只要能讓他在午餐後小睡五分鐘,或是在晚餐後彈電子琴休息幾分鐘,怎麼說都值得。 他比我需要更多的休息與代禱。 

On Monday morning, I woke up from a weird dream. In that dream, I was about to be martyred and was engraving the inscription on my own gravestone. I forgot what it was that I engraved, but the dream reminded me of the inscription of William Carey (1761-183 4) who is known as the "Father of Modern Missions". It is "A wretched, poor, and helpless worm on thy kind arms I fall." Christianity is so much out of worldly logic. The Creator of the world is always longing for being with wretched people. Messiah was born in a poor family that could not even afford to sacrifice with a livestock. And the mean for Him to save the people from the sin is to be crucified. How could we not live according to His will with our hearts as clear as a mirror?
週一早上,我從一場奇怪的夢裡醒來。 在那個夢中,我即將殉難,正在自己的墓碑上刻下碑文。 我忘記我刻了什麼,但這件事讓我想起了被譽為「現代傳教之父」的威廉·克里(William Carey,1761-183 4)的墓碑文:〝我是一隻卑微、可憐、無助的蟲子,睡在主慈愛的懷中。〞基督教脫離了世俗的邏輯。造物主總是渴望與卑微的人同在。 彌賽亞出生在一個連以牲畜獻祭都負擔不起的貧窮家庭。 而祂將百姓從罪惡中拯救出來的方式就是容許自己被釘在十字架上。我們怎能不心如明鏡地按祂旨意而活呢?

Douglas has been so busy that he finishes last month’s update very late. And I just finished translating it. It is inspiring to know more about Buria, and his wife Mukachuwa. I hope you would click the link and read it, too. I am particularly fond of looking at Mukachuwa’s smiley face. Their daughter grew up as sister with Neal and Martha Kooyers’ second daughter, who was Douglas’ late wife. And now, she is one of my dearest friends in PNG. She is a cheerful woman like her mother. And she likes to cheer me up by touching my chin. Looking at her and being shared with her cheerfulness, I can imagine her parents serving the Lord with a humble heart. Even our smile is a mean of serving the Lord. And what would we ask to be inscribed on the gravestone?
道格拉斯太忙了,以致於很晚才完成上個月的公開信。我也剛剛幫他翻譯完。 了解更多關於布里亞和他的妻子穆卡楚瓦的事蹟是令人鼓舞的。 希望您也能點擊連結並閱讀。我則特別喜歡看穆卡楚瓦的笑臉。 他們的女兒和尼爾與瑪莎.庫耶爾斯夫婦的二女兒(道格拉斯的先妻)一起長大,情同姊妹。 現在,她是我在新幾內亞最親愛的朋友之一。 她和她的母親一樣是個開朗的女人。 見面時她總是喜孜孜地摸我的下巴逗我開心。看到她就能感染到她的愉悅,也讓人不禁想像她的父母以何等謙卑的心服事主。甚至我們的微笑也能事奉主,那麼我們要求在墓碑上刻什麼字?


This, then, is how you ought to regard us:
as servants of Christ
and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. Now it is required that
those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.
1 Corinthians 4:1,2
哥林多前書 4:1,2



Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.    May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.  May God bless PIM’s project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG.  

3.    MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) has had three accidents this year. They are elevating the standard of requirements to the airstrips in the villages. May God bless them in enforcing their new regulation.   
MAF(宣教飛行團契)今年發生了三起事故。 他們正在提高各村莊裡飛機跑道的要求標準。 願上帝保守他們執行新的規定。

4.   May God grant Douglas wisdom in coordinating with our mission partners about their itineraries and accommodations for the trainings in January and February.   

5.  May God’s Spirit do His Work with the participants attending women’s Bible Study this week in Ambunti South See Evangelical Church.   

6.   May God’s Spirit strengthen all members in the church of AOG in Ambunti.

7.   May God remember Douglas’ hard working and bless him with a good apatite and good health.   

8. May God pave our path to renewing my work visa.  

9. May God grant all the participants with courage and wisdom needed in the sewing course, and guide them break through all the bottlenecks in learning.  

10. May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

11. My brother is having a hard time taking care of my parents whom are not communicable with. May God have mercy upon him.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


The latest update of Douglas Nov. 2023 道格拉斯近期通訊 2023年十一月 (New 新)


Explore life in PNG with Sandy

















