Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. It has been a busy week. Spending time searching in various stores, buying in small amounts first, trying out, and then buying in large amounts, we have done all the shopping of the tools and materials that are to bring to Ambunti for the sewing class. The four sewing machines Penny had bought for Ambunti training center have been tested. One of them has failed the test and been replaced by a new one. Our living room is like a small factory now. We will continue testing these machines as much as possible until Saturday as we will not be able to do anything about it once anyone of them gets out of order in Ambunti.



Kellen is feeling a little bit better with her neck and her back now. But walking up and down the hills with the shopping and the machines during the past week has worn out both of us. Thank God that one of the stores gave us a trolley that saves us a lot of agony. Our pastor has offered to help, too.


Besides testing the sewing machines, this week we are to spend time carefully deciding what to take with us on board. At least, we are going to go with enough toilet paper for 3 weeks. We are happy to eat the local food, but we might not have time to cook them when we have the class. Making sago pancake, grating coconut meat, squeezing coconut milk for cooking vegetables can take us quite a lot of time. Therefore, we need to go with some food that can be cooked fast. Each of us are allowed 16kg cargo free and will be charged 1USD for each extra kg.


The network we can reach will be very limited in Ambunti. And we are prepared that we might not be able to send our updates to you until June.


Please remember us in your prayers even when our update can’t reach you.


1. We are supposed to pay our tax in Taiwan this month. May God grant sufficient network for us to deal with the tax smoothly and finish it before we go to Ambunti.

2. May God continue curing Kellen’s pain on her neck, her back and her knee.

3. I have been ignorant at work and pulled the muscles on both of my thumbs and wrists. May God make me able to rest them well before we go to Ambunti.

4. We are supposed to leave Wewak for Ambunti on May 9th, and return on May 30th. May God bless us with safe journeys.

5. May God guide us with all the work of preparation for the class, and wise packing.

6. We can only accept 24 students this time, but a lot more than that would like to sign up for the class. May God give the needed wisdom to the center manager in dealing with the requests.

7. May God be with us in the sewing class, giving us wisdom in teaching and Bible story-telling.

8. May God guide us to learn the local language and culture, and to build up good relationship with the local people and the surrounding churches in Ambunti.

9. May God give us wisdom in preparing for the course to teach in Anguganak TVET Center, and give us better understanding to communicate with the staff of Anguganak TVET center.

10. We have prayed for our neighbor Dorin who has had a big abscess on her foot for 10 years. The ointment we gave her has made the mouth of the wound smaller but the underneath swollen and pain has not been reduced. May God’s mercy dwell upon Dorin and cure her abscess.

11. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png