Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Receiving our PNG working visas, we are grateful for God's mercy and for the love in faith from Tian-En Tang, the Chinese Methodist Church in PNG. Hopefully, after we work on the gospel center in Wewak for a couple of years, we will be able to have other Chinese missionaries to join us.


Meanwhile, I am facing great challenges with my old parents. Realizing the way senior people think can be so out of my imagination, I have been praying to God to make my parents willing to adopt the "reasonable" changes in life, such as wearing diapers, using walking sticks, and accept some social services the government provide for senior people that are supposed to be able to greatly reduce the pressure for my family. Eventually, God would like to make me a wiser person with more patience instead of making my parents willing to change. I trust that God's provision is always sufficient.

此時我正面臨照料父母的許多挑戰。 老年人的思維大可能超乎我能想像的範圍,我一直在向神禱告,希望神使我的父母願意調整一下,順應老年生活許多「合理」的改變,像是穿尿褲、拿拐杖、接受政府的長照2.0的多種福利,好大量減少家庭的負擔。後來,神不是要使我的父母改變什麼,而是要使我成為更有智慧、更有耐心的人。我也深信神的恩典夠我用。

Today l am writing this letter in the hospital as I'm accompanying my dad to go through several exams and visit two clinics. We have rush here and there in the hospital like playing Scavenger hunt.


Please keep remembering us in your prayers.


1. Kellen and I need God's Divine Wisdom to balance our life with getting equipped, church ministries, raising fund and sending base's events. May God cover us.

我和 Kellen 需要神屬天的智慧才能在接受裝備、教會服事、募款及差會事務當中找到平衡。願神蔭蔽我們。

2. It demands me great effort for emotion management to negotiate with my parents about their caring arrangements. May God reveal His mercy.


3. Kellen is taking the carpentry class and I am taking the sewing class. May God grant us the needed strength.

Kellen 每週上木工課,Sandy上縫紉課,求神添加我們力量。

All for Him



In Christ
