Dear all,

How have been doing? Thank you for praying for us. God is so merciful and faithful that He made the cross-cultural mission workshop in Kaohsiung last Sunday afternoon go very well. And we have received very encouraging feedback. We were also invited to hold mission camps by other associations What He has done for us is far beyond what we think of.



This week we are facing even greater challenges and would not like to rely on our own strength. Let's look upon our Almighty God. We hope to have your participation in prayers.

1. May God bless another cross-cultural mission camp on January 17th in Chung Li.

2. Kellen who has driven on the highway only once is going to drive to Chung Li for the mission camp on Thursday with me and all the stuff for the mission camp. On Saturday, she is going to drive back to Kaohsiung. Please pray for our safety in traffic on the highway. May God protect us. (I cannot drive yet.)

3. May God show us way to applying for long term visa in PNG.

4. May God heal Kellen’s pain on her neck and shoulders and my tightness on my chest.

5. Kellen and I are going to leave for PNG on February 11th. May God enable us to be wise in preparation, connection, and communication.

6. My Dad has not been feeling well recently and cannot take my mom to the rehabilitation course. May God show His mercy and grant them health and salvation.



一、 一月17日我們應TMM(台灣動員宣教協會)安排,在中壢也舉辦跨文化宣教體驗活動。求神保守一切的預備工作。

二、 為了此次營會運送道具,Kellen跟我必須周四開車去中壢,星期六再開車回高雄。她只有一次快速道路駕駛經驗,也還沒在高速公路開車過。我還不會開車。求神保守我們在高速公路上一路平安。

三、 求神開路,指引我們申請新幾內亞長期簽證。

四、 願神醫治Kellen的肩頸痠痛以及我的胸悶。

五、 Kellen和我將於2月11日出發前往新幾內亞,求神給我們智慧做好預備、連結、以及溝通。

六、 家父近來因為身體不適,無法載送家母去上復健課程。求神大開憐憫,賞賜給兩老健康以及救恩。

Thank you for being our partners


