Dear All,

Peace be with you.


What a Big Bonus from God

Thank you for walking along and working together with me. I have a big bonus to share with you: A young lady who attended our PNG Mission Workshop on 11th of May told me that she was inspired to start equipping herself to allow God to use her. As a 54-year-old missionary with no kids, for me this is really a big bonus from God, isn't it? Praise the Lord!






We Need Mangoes

Last Sunday I was sharing message in a tribal village in southern Taiwan and was given a lot of mangoes from the church there that was so full of God's love. " Lord Jesus! Please also send more MAN GOES to the mission fields as men are so much needed in mission tasks."


上個主日Sandy到原住民部落的ㄧ個教會分享信息。時逢當地芒果採收,由於教會兄姐的愛心,Sandy收到很多芒果帶回家,帶不完的由牧師幫助我寄來。「主耶穌啊!宣教禾場也很需要芒果---MAN GO---,可以多寄一些到禾場嗎?禾場上很多事情是要弟兄才行得通的。」

The two tiny coins

At the end of the sermon, I invited everyone to support me like watering a little seed been sowed in the mission field. No matter how little it is in amount. As long as being watered continuously, the seed shall not die from thirst.

Almost everyone attending the service gave me a little offering. Some of the envelops were loaded with coins. I felt like standing next to Jesus and listening to how the two tiny coins were making music in the heart of Him.

In 2017, as I was in PNG, I was once invited to give a talk in a village. The original church building of that village had collapsed and we had the service in a newly built church with no walls. After the service, the pastor gave me all the offerings collected that day to help our ministry in PNG. That was about 1.8USD. Yes. That was the two tiny coins from the church in a swampy jungle. That encouraged me again to become the two tiny coins and offer myself to the Lord.





Please kindly remember me, your sister in the Lord, in your quiet time.

1. May God use me to inspire more young people and churches to send and be sent for the cross-cultural ministry.

2. May God send male missionaries to our team.

3. May God inspire brothers and sisters in the Lord to continuously support Sandy & Kellen.

4. May God grant us volunteers to help with supporting ministry.




二、求神為Sandy & Kellen在新幾內亞的事工預備弟兄們參與。

三、求神激勵教會肢體們為Sandy & Kellen長期小額奉獻。

四、求神為Sandy & Kellen預備後勤志工。



Sandy 20190521