Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We finally successfully fetched our car last Wednesday. It has been a lot of effort done by Pastor Joseph for us, making many frustrating trips to the wharf since July 12. And Douglas made four trips to the wharf last week. The long-time waiting finally came to the end. And praise the Lord that the car just came 10 days before the wedding to be the wedding car. Douglas coached Kellen to drive on the left-hand side of the road and to get familiar to the roads in Wewak Sunday afternoon. Hopefully, Kellen can be confident to drive on her own.


感謝大家忠心代禱。感謝你忠心地為我們禱告。 上週三,我們終於成功地取回了我們的車。約瑟牧師為我們做了很多努力,自712日以來,他多次前往碼頭,結果都令人沮喪。上周,道格拉斯為了幫我們取車,四次前往碼頭。漫長的等待終於走到了盡頭。感謝讚美主,這輛車在婚禮前10天來到,恰逢其時地成為婚車。道格拉斯星期天下午訓練Kellen靠左行駛並且熟悉威瓦克的路況,相信Kellen有信心自己駕駛這輛車了。

When I had started borrowing shoes for the wedding and looking for suitable fabrics for making my wedding dress, with God’s mercy, my wedding parcel from Taiwan arrived last Friday afternoon. The wedding dress and the wedding shoes fit me well. It was one week before the wedding. Thanks to the Lord.


Many friends have told us that the announcement of our wedding gives them a very big surprise. It's a big surprise not only to you, but also to Douglas and me. We had never thought God would lead us to this step. But step by step, we have been experiencing His Divine Guidance, Presence, and Provision. He is our faithful God.


The wedding is going to take place in Wewak on this coming Saturday. And then, Douglas and I are going to have a newly wedded thanksgiving ceremony in Ambunti on August 16th since Douglas has most of his friends there. And then, I will be doing some checkup of the ministries of my students that I taught in May and see if they have been holding sewing class and Bible storytelling in their own churches. Due to the network limitation in Ambunti, I will have to skip my update two weeks.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. Due to the shortage of fuel, commercial transportation has been seriously cut down. That has caused significant inflationary spike in town. And it would quite possibly develop more social security issue if it lasts too long. May God be in charge.

2. May God protect our fruit of work in Ambunti and inspire the students to start Dorcas Fellowship in their churches.

3. The general director of CMMI and the Chairman of TMM are going to come to PNG in September. May God bless their journey.

4. May God remember the hard work of Pastor Joseph, his wife Amy, Pastor David, and his wife Melissa as they are working on the preparation for our wedding that is going to take place in the church on August 13th , and give them strength.

5. May God use Douglas and Sandy’s wedding to have positive influence to the youth in Wewak as I am trying to make my former students to come to the wedding with their children.

6. Douglas and I are going to go to Ambunti for the newly wedded thanksgiving ceremony on August 16th and come back to Wewak on the 23rd. May God bless our flights.

7. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png