Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Challenges in manpower have kept coming up, but the grace of the Lord is always sufficient. I have learned to appreciate the efforts of others and to manage the necessary boundary with the team members. As we keep going with the ministry of making baptism robes, God has reminded me that I have received a lot of God’s spiritual benefit over the years through this church on a hill in Taichung. Even the testimonies of a sister in this church who just passed away few months ago have been giving me very strong impact. Her life of serving the Lord whole-heartedly that reflected life of Jesus has cheered me up. I am so much enjoying the sweet fellowship in the Lord as we are making baptism robes.



Anyway, I have recently been spending almost all of my time preparing for and conducting the 1-to-1 out-reaching course “D2B”. Inspired by God, I would like to master in conducting this course before taking off to PNG next month. It takes a lot of time, but it is worthwhile. It does make people get to know the God of eternity and comprehend the importance of salvation that brings people out of the law of the sin and death. And of course, it clearly introduces the means of enjoying the presence of God. I believe that Christians who merely would like to escape the hell are unhappy ones. Who would enjoy being refugees? In the other hand, Christians who pursue God’s presence have the real joy. How about you?


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. We are planning to go back to PNG in the end of December only if God’s Will. May God guide us in preparation and communication.

2. May God bless PNG and enable the people to be willing to take the wise epidemic prevention measures.

3. May God bless the annual members’ assembly of TMM (Taiwan Mission Mobilization Association) that is going to take place on November 20th in Guanxi, Xinju.

4. At the moment, I conduct the one-to-one reaching out course D2B” 6 times a week. And more candidates are in the queue. May God’s Spirit work among us.

5. May God bless our volunteers, protect them and their families, and give them the patience, strength and wisdom needed.

All for Him



In Christ
