Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. In the workshop last Saturday, we explored very deep issues on cross-cultural ministries and confirming God’s callings. In the later section of the workshop, one of us outburst the idea of letting some children of the church join us. It turned out that these kids were teachers sent by God for us to learn how to be FAT missionaries. I first learned FAT from the mentor on the ship Doulos in 1992. It stands for flexible, adaptable and teachable.



On Monday, I attended a missionary member care seminar taking place in Lutheran Seminary. Though the time is short, we were given very precious lessons on setting up a healthy system to have healthy missionaries. Especially, right now, many missionaries are stuck in the field but not able to do much, in the home base feeling very guilty, or even in the third country homelessly, running fore-and-back to the embassy every week. The past year has become torment for most missionaries. Therefore, missionary member care has come to a bottle neck that we have to work together for the professional solution to the dilemma.


Because of the pandemic, we need more than our working visa to be able to enter PNG. Kellen and I have requested the both embassies for the information of requirements, but we haven’t been given the needed answer. While we are waiting and praying, I saw a map in Lutheran Seminary. In the map, PNG was right in the palm of a big hand. Believing God is using this map to let me know that He is in charge of our ministry in PNG, my heart was lifted and gained strength to face the lesson ahead.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God guide us and make our way to PNG.


2. We need more churches, praying groups and individuals to be our long-term partners, participating in prayers and financial supports. May God provide for us.


3. I am supposed to give a sermon in Koahsiung on January 31st. May God Grant me His Devine Wisdom.


4. May God give Kellen and me good health.


5. In February, I am to receive a 4-week-long intensive training on missionary member care. May God give me strength.


6. Kellen was hit on the forehead by the wood in the carpentry class. She is going to the carpentry class 2 evenings a week. May God protect her.


All for Him



In Christ