Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We safely came back to Amunti last Saturday though news of robberies on the highway had been being heard before we made the trip.

Being worried that the rough journey on the road would cause blood clots in my eyes again, this time, Douglas drove the van of PIM instead of hiring a Landcruiser. It happened that some other PIM staff would like to come back to Ambunti, too. So, we had company on the road. And Ruben, a PIM manager, drove the van back to Wewak for his business trip. We were blessed that it worked out for all off us. And I did not get sick from the rough journey since Douglas would slow down when there were holes on the road.


We were away for three weeks, and came back to a water world. Many houses in our surrounding areas are soaked in the water. And the river behind our house covers the bank and reaches the grass near our gate.  


About 6:25 on Sunday morning, an earthquake scaled 6.9 shook the kettle of tea Douglas was making off the gas cooker, and I was wakened by the earthquake, screaming in bed. We had some repairable damages like broken water tank, bended doorframes. It was good that Douglas had some rotten pillars replaced last year, or we could have had part of the house collapse this time. The center of the quake was 32km away from Ambunti. It has cause about a thousand houses collapse. And there have been aftershocks nearly every hour that are still frightening. Villagers would rather sleep underneath the houses and get easier access to flee out than sleeping inside the houses that are high above the ground. But those who live in the flooded area have no safer way. Literally, some family have to row a canoe from the house they sleep in to the house they use as a kitchen.


Besides usual multi-tasks in the office and in the workshop, Douglas is busy with repairing damages from the earthquake and preparing sermons for the 4-day-long Easter convention in the village called Tonganjamb that is 2 hours away up the river from Ambunti. I am between unpacking and repacking, trying to get life back to normal in Ambunti and preparing for the stay in Tonganjamb at the same time.

The sewing ministries in the churches in Ambunti are at the bottle neck of upgrading. Leaders like Mrs Carson can see the necessity of upgrading, but people are used to lousy works and can get mad when being asked to redo the work. They tend not to follow instructions but do the work in the ways they suppose to be short cuts. And they convince them that this is way of PNG. Looking at the pictures sent to me, I was not happy about their work done when I was away and asked Beverlyn and Mrs Carson to have the ladies tear the biases and redo them. As what I had expected, the ladies felt frustrated and wanted to get away with it. But they eventually submitted to their teachers and agreed to redo the work. This is unusual. Please keep praying for them that they finally appreciate good products after doing the work according to instructions.

There was something amusing that I heard from Mrs Carson: While they were sewing together in the church, they talked and made the conclusion that they had used to argue and complain all the time instead of being good help to their husbands. Thank God for inspiring them. These women used to come to me and ask for this and that. When I told them off and said that they had been blessed very much and must become givers as good Christians, they said they were going to report to Douglas of me.

One of the big issues for missionaries is how available we should be for others. We missionaries can feel guilty when needs of others are not met. As I have said in one of the previous updates that I have been providing the service of buying fabrics from Wewak for the women. Though I have set the day and time for them to come and buy fabrics, they have been coming anytime they want, and I have had to refuse them again and again. On Monday, a pastor’s wife came again and wanted to buy the latest arrived fabrics. I told her I have done my part as I have risked robberies and provided this service. Pointing out of the window to the fence, I said, “We can’t have good neighbors unless we have good fences. Good friends need good boundaries, too. If you don’t comply with the time I have set for buying fabrics, we are not going to treat each other in peace. I am not to please everyone. You should not make your problems into mine. Keeping a good boundary will bring us a good relationship.” Understanding I am talking about good relationship, she finally left with a smile. And Beverlyn, who was in my house at that time, said to me that being direct in love is the best policy in PNG.


Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.       PNG government is short of US Dollars for buying fuel. The chain effects have caused a sharp rise in prices and other social issues. May God help PNG government in sorting out the currency issue and the fuel crisis.   
新幾內亞政府缺乏購買燃油的美元。 其連鎖效應導致物價大幅上漲及其他社會問題。 願上帝幫助新幾內亞政府解決貨幣問題及燃油危機。

2.       May God grant His mercy and protect us all from all harms through the aftershocks of the mega earthquake in Ambunti area, and give wisdom to the PNG government in helping the thousand families that lost their houses in the earthquake.   

3.       Mission Aviation Fellowship is facing severe shortage of manpower, aircrafts and fuel. May God has His mercy on the great aviation needs of missionaries in PNG.   

4.       PIM has been having a project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG. May God bless the big job of distribution.  

5.       May God grand wisdom and patience to the trained women in the sewing training course in developing the sewing ministries of Dorcas Fellowship in South Sea Evangelical Church in Ambnuti and the AOG Church in Ambunti.

6.       May God give me wisdom in efficiently helping the ladies here in long term with pricy sewing resource.

7.       May God remember Beverlyn’s & Jennifer’s hearts in serving Him in the sewing ministry, and provide their families with their needs.

8.       May God bless the work of the Women’s fellowship in South Sea Evangelical Church in Ambunti at raising fund for the generator.

9.       May God remember Douglas’ hard working and bless him with good health.    

10.   May God bless us with a save journey to Tongajam on Thursday and back to Ambunti on Sunday, and grant Douglas strength and wisdom in preaching for the Easter convention.    

11.   May God pave our path to renewing my work visa.  

12.   May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

13.   May God watch over my brother’s family:remember their hard working and traveling, and bless their work and study.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


P. S. Sandy在結婚之後仍然需要兄姐們的支持。若您有感動為Sandy奉獻,敬請與我聯絡。願神賜福給您。



The latest update of Douglas Feb. 2024 道格拉斯近期通訊 2024年二月


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