Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Through injecting EPO (Erythropoietin) and taking supplements, my Dad is feeling better now. And I have learned that senior people have to face challenges that we won’t be able to imagine until we get old. They need family members’ accompany and affirmation so that they can be courageous enough to accept and get through the challenges that come upon to them one after one and can easily make them give up.



This month I would like to sharpen my skills of making man’s shirts. There are many details that I must dig deep so that I don’t make a shirt like a blouse. And the first “real” shirt I have made is for my Dad. This must be the best Father’s Day gift to him.


Since I have spent more time accompanying my Dad, he has been able to talk out about his concern as a parent. He was hoping that I would stay in Taiwan due to the global pandemic. And I told him that there is a mission for life that I have to pursue. The next day, he told me to schedule some time for him to teach me piping. This is the way that my dad shows his support to me.


Learning sewing and learning piping are both for my ministry in PNG. Yes, a country like PNG needs out comers to bring to people all kinds of schools. But what my first mentor taught me was that a missionary must learn to be a pupil instead of invading the receivers life with his/her culture or so called “advantages”. I thank God that He has kept making me learn this important lesson again and again over the years through each of my visit to PNG.


Let me ask you… what would you get ready to take to the classroom when school is open?....Well....When I first visited PNG in 2011, I conducted a Bible story telling workshop in a village in the swampy area. I had been expecting that the participants would bring their pens and notes to the classroom. Actually, most of them didn’t. And I was badly terrified that one of the participants came with a one-meter-long bush knife.


At the end of the five-day-long workshop, I finally piled up enough gut and asked him why he came with a bush knife like that. He told me that he had to walk 5 hours from his house to my class, and he needed his bush knife to cut the weed and fight with the snakes so that he could make his way through the juggle and come to me. I was glad that I hadn’t told him not to come to my classroom with a terrifying knife, thinking that he had to walk home 5 hours in the dark after the class each day.


In 2015, I thought I had mingled with the local co-workers well enough, and asked one of them, Lawrence, to let me walk with a bush knife like what they did. He kindly gave me one of his knives and allowed me to go to his farm with him. Well, …. Wearing tongs and walking with a bush knife, I soon cut myself on my toe and bled a lot. Stopping my bleeding with some banana sap, Lawrence was stunned. They had walked with a bush knife since they were very little, and never thought that a person could cut himself by doing this. Well, …it was my turn to scare others.


I hope that God will soon take me back to my school--- PNG.


From one man he made all the nations,
that they should inhabit the whole earth;
and he marked out their appointed times in history
and the boundaries of their lands.
God did this so that they would seek him
and perhaps reach out for him and find him,
though he is not far from any one of us.



要叫他們尋求 神,



Please remember us in your prayers.


1. Though PNG have received vaccine donation from other countries, only very few people have been vaccinated. The PNG government have to shut down the boarder again because the Delta variant has been detected in the country. May God help PNG people get rid of the myth of vaccine conspiracy theory.


2. May God evoke the awareness among out coming communities of the need of respecting PNG cultural heritages of PNG.


3. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.


4. I am still suffering from periodontal disease and hope it can be cured before I take off for PNG. May God’s healings dwell upon me.


5. Coughing for two months has made me very weak. May God heal my cough.


6. May God guide us in all the work of website relocation.


7. My old daddy is facing the fact that he needs to receive an eye operation soon enough or to loose his driving license. May God guide him and give him peace.


All for Him



In Christ
