Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas and I were blessed with the availability of MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) flight back to Ambunti last Thursday. After landing, we rushed to the house, found Douglas’ old pair of eye glasses, and then rushed to the graduation ceremony of the PIM elementary school in Ambunti. Again, I was fascinated by the story of Neal & Martha Kooyer that came to PNG even before I was born and their foresight of ministry of Whole Gospel.
感謝你忠心地為我們禱告。道格拉斯和我有幸,上星期四MAF (宣教飛行團契)的班機有空檔把我們接回安布恩提。飛機降落後,我們趕忙到房子裡,找到道格拉斯的舊眼鏡之後,又匆匆趕去參加PIM在安布恩提所設小學的畢業典禮。我再一次對在我出生之前就來到了新幾內亞的尼爾&瑪莎·庫耶夫婦的事蹟以及他們對整全福音事工的遠見著迷。

All the schools in PNG are going to have a 2-month-long vacation. And I was told that most staff of PIM will have their annual vacation in December. December will be the month of rest. It would be quite against the mindset of local students if I would like to run the sewing course in December. But one of them came to me today and told me she hoped that our course would continue in December as she couldn’t wait to see herself be able to make a dress according to the pattern she has drafted. It would depend on what decision all of the participants would come to. I have been busy sorting our belongings in the house these days and hopefully I would have time to catch up with the online courses I have bought.

Though I was away for only 3 weeks, the attendance of the church we attend in Ambunti has dropped 60%. The pastor’s family left because their son had caused some conflict with a family that have come to work for the hospital. That made the pastor’s family flee away before the fight between two families could become really bloody.

That is something discouraging. It defiled God’s reputation and might have made people doubt about God’s righteousness and God’s church. As we are living in the sinful world, no one is perfect and temptation is always there. No one is good enough to assume that he would never fall into temptation. As Douglas and I grieved for the church, we found comfort and hope from our recent devotion. 
這件事令人沮喪。 它玷污了上帝的名譽,可能使人對上帝的公義和上帝的教會產生懷疑。 我們既生活在罪惡的世界中,沒有人是完美的,誘惑總是存在。 沒有人有夠好能認為自己永遠不會陷入誘惑。 當道格拉斯和我為教會悲傷時,我們從最近的靈修中找到了安慰和希望。


I will place over them one shepherd, my servant David,
  and he will tend them;
he will tend them and be their shepherd.
I the Lord will be their God, and my servant David
will be prince among them.
    I the Lord have spoken.
“‘I will make a covenant of peace with them
and rid the land of savage beasts
so that they may live in the wilderness
and sleep in the forests in safety.
I will make them and the places surrounding my hill a blessing.
I will send down showers in season;
there will be showers of blessing.
The trees will yield their fruit
and the ground will yield its crops;
the people will be secure in their land.
They will know that I am the Lord,
when I break the bars of their yoke
and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them.
Ezekiel 34:23-27



以西結書 34:23-27



Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.  May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.   May God bless PIM’s project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG.  

3.   MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) has had three accidents this year. They are elevating the standard of requirements to the airstrips in the villages. May God bless them in enforcing their new regulation. 
MAF(宣教飛行團契)今年發生了三起事故。 他們正在提高各村莊裡飛機跑道的要求標準。 願上帝保守他們執行新的規定。

4.   May God’s Spirit strengthen all members in the church of AOG in Ambunti.  

5.   May God pave our path to renewing my work visa.  

6.   May God grant all the participants with courage and wisdom needed in the sewing course, and guide them break through all the bottlenecks in learning.  

7.   May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

8.   My brother is having a hard time taking care of my parents whom are not communicable with. May God have mercy upon him.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


The latest update of Douglas Oct. 2023 道格拉斯近期通訊 2023年十月


Explore life in PNG with Sandy








