Dear all,

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. I believe that by the grace of the Lord, I will gradually get used to rushing on the road several times a day. Seeing the health of my parents goes south these years makes me very sorry. In the other hand, it reminds me that I should make the best use of the rest of my life and live my life for the Lord.


At the moment, I have to accompany my dad to the hospital five times a day in the morning for the electrotherapy. Thanks to the Lord that my dad and I get so much time to chat. I never happened before.


In the afternoon I am to drive my mom to the class for her dementia. And the class finished at the time that I have to rush to the class for low performance students. Kellen is so kind to take over the job of driving my mom back home. God is so good that He provides the vehicle we need. His grace is sufficient.


After having been stuck for weeks, the process of Kellen’s and my working visa got further progress this week. The PNG office in Taipei now is able to find our visa information through their network. Praise the Lord for revealing His righteousness.


In the junior high school class, I was supposed to help these so-called students with low performance. Well, actually I have learned a lot from them so far. Most of my students are clever. Their low performance could be caused by many reasons, even the means of evaluations. At some point, I figure out some of them think much fast than I do. They might not give me the right answer to the math questions in the exercise books, but they can be very sensitive to colors and space. One of the so-called trouble-making students even provided more creative ways than I did to answering questions while we were playing a math board game.


A voice of one calling: “In the wildness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley should be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged spaces a plain. And all the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” --- Isaiah 40: 3-5

有人聲喊著說:「在曠野預備耶和華的路,在沙漠地修平我們神的道! 一切山窪都要填滿,大小山岡都要削平,高高低低的要改為平坦,崎崎嶇嶇的必成為平原。耶和華的榮耀必然顯現,凡有血氣的必一同看見,因為這是耶和華親口說的。」---以賽亞書 40:3-5

These students make me humble down myself and learn more about cross-cultural mission. As we are making the highway for the coming back of Christ, I am exact the very mountain and hill that is to be made low. A missionary is not to work hard with making up the love of God, but to live among people as a mirror reflecting God’s love soaking into my broken life.


Please participate in cross-cultural mission through your prayers:

1. May God be in control of the epidemic of COVID-19 in PNG. The latest number of confirmed cases in PNG is 531. Last week it was 516.

2. I am to give a sermon in a church in Kaohsiung on this Saturday afternoon. May God work among us.

3. May God use the workshops and lectures we provide to bless churches in Taiwan.

4. May God grant His Divine Wisdom to us and bless our study.

5. May God grant His divine healing and protection to Kellen’s old mother and my old parents.

6. I have been feeling dizzy recently. May God heal me.

7. May God be in control of the process of our working visa application in PNG.


一、 願神掌管新冠肺炎在新幾內亞的疫情。最新得到的確診人數是531,上星期是516

二、 這個周六下午我在高雄的教會有講台的服事,求神保守。

三、 願神使用我們提供的工作坊及講座,成為台灣眾教會的祝福。

四、 願神賞賜給我們屬天的智慧,保守我們在課程中的學習。

五、 願神對Kellen年邁的母親及我年邁的父母賞賜祂屬天的醫治跟保護。

六、 我最近常常感到暈眩,求主醫治。

七、 願神在我們申請新幾內亞工作簽證的程序中掌權。

All for Him



In Christ
