Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Busy days have been spent in teaching, and preparing for classes. Before I realized it, it’s time to get ready to meet up with Douglas in POM.

At one of the classes last week, I took out my mechanical pencil sharpener and let the students use it. “What’s that?” they asked, staring at me and then looking at one another. Though it was hard for me to believe, showing them how to operate it and seeing them seem as awkward as learning how to use chopsticks for the first time, I was reminded that I have to be aware of cultural differences between the students and me as I am serving in a cross-cultural mission field.

上週的一堂課上,我拿出削鉛筆機讓學生使用。 “那是什麼?” 她們一邊問,一邊盯著我,然後又彼此對看著。即使讓我很難相信,我教她們如何操作時,看到她們像第一次學習如何使用筷子的人一樣笨拙,讓我想起我在跨文化宣教禾場服事時必須意識到我和學生之間的文化差異。 

Preparing for the class has been stressful for me for two months. It takes lots of prayer and mind map consideration as the previous learning experience of local people has been so different from the environment I grew up in. For example, I learned to read the scale and calculate how much I owed in the market. But here in the market in PNG, there are no scales. Fruit and vegies are sold in bunches, heads, or heaps. When I buy a couple of different items with different prices, the vendors would find it impossible to sum up the total. Then, it would be me who have to decide how much it is.      

When I learned to sew, I learned slowly and steadily, according to precise measurements and formulas, drafting with rulers, and pursuing delicate work. But the local sewers in PNG learn “shortcuts” in order to make wearable clothes without calculations or precise measurements. The blouses don’t fit well and are either uncomfortable or ripped easily. In the PIM office, I found a book that was published by a mission organization in 1982. And, in the book, I found all the “shortcuts” or so called “hacks” PNG women have learned to sew their blouses. I believe that it is a method invented with highly good wills and the in the consideration of the sewers’ previous knowledge. But short cuts make learners stuck in the loop of short cuts. Decades have gone by, sewers are still making the same style of blouses, applying the same shortcuts or hacks. And they are some how persuaded by themselves that they can never learn how to draft patterns for the styles of dresses that they desire to make. I have been thinking about this issue since 2017. And this issue has become crucial this year as the students’ level has come to this point. To those who would earnestly like to learn well, I should try my best guiding them to learn the normal course that can be quite painful for them to learn. Anyway, there is no more shortcuts for them. 
當我學縫紉時,我穩紮穩打地學著,按照精確的測量、好好遵循公式,用尺畫圖,追求精細的工作。 但新幾內亞當地的裁縫者學的是製作勘穿衣物的「捷徑」,不用學計算或精確測量。 這些做出來的衣服不太合身,要麼穿著不舒服,要不就是很容易撕裂。 PIM 辦公室,我發現了一本宣教機構 1982 年出版的書。而且,在書中,我發現了新幾內亞女性學會縫製衣物的所有「捷徑」或現今所謂的「妙招」。 我相信這是一種出於高度善意並考慮到縫紉者原有知識而發明的方法。 但捷徑會讓學習者陷入捷徑的循環。 幾十年不變,縫紉者仍然在製作同樣款式的衣物,採用同樣的捷徑或妙招。 他們深信自己永遠無法學會如何打版製作想要製作的服裝款式。我從2017年就開始思考這個議題。隨著學生的程度提升,今年這個議題變得致關緊要。我應該想想辦法引導她們認真學習正規卻對她們困難重重的課程,如果她們真正想要學會做衣服。總之,不能讓她們對「捷徑」存有念想。

The ladies here can’t do math. And it is not practical for them to use calculators because most of them don’t have cellphones, calculators are expensive in PNG, batteries don’t last long in the humid environment, and batteries for calculators are not easily found in PNG. So, I have made some tailor’s rulers sent from Taiwan. They are the type of tailor’s rulers designed for learners who can’t do math and have been being used in Taiwan since the days when my mom was a teenager or even earlier than that. On one side of the rulers, it is ruler with ordinary scale, and the other side calculation ruler. Not many sewers now in Taiwan use the later side as Taiwanese are good at math and calculators are popular in Taiwan. But I would say that whoever invented the ruler must have been a genius. Anyway, it takes a lot of effort for the PNG learners to get used to using the ruler and the calculation ruler. And it is actually mainly mental issue. May God give us strength.
這裡的女士不會做數學。 讓她們使用計算器並不實際,因為她們大多數人沒有手機,計算機在新幾內亞也很貴,電池在潮濕的環境中電力很快就會耗盡,而且在新幾內亞不容易買到計算機的電池。 所以,我安排從台灣寄來一些裁縫尺。 它們是專為不會數學的學習者設計的裁縫尺,從我媽媽十幾歲甚至更早的時候就開始在台灣使用。 尺的一面是普通刻度尺,另一面是計算尺。 現在台​​灣的縫紉者很少使用後者,因為台灣人數學很好,而且手機跟計算機在台灣很普遍。 但我想說,發明這種尺的人一定是天才。 不管怎樣,新幾內亞的學習者需要付出很大的努力才能習慣使用尺和計算尺。 其實主要是心理問題。願神賞賜我們力量。


The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him,
and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;
and with my song will I praise him.
Psalm 28:7
詩篇 28:7



Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.   May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.   May God bless PIM’s project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG.

3.   My work visa was due in July. The application documents for renewing my work visa had been misplaced by the government department. And the agent has resent them. May God pave our path.
Sandy 的工作簽證已經在七月到期,而更新工作簽證的申請文件被政府部門弄丟了,代辦員已經重新呈交文件,求神開路。

4.  May God grant me His divine protection, keeping me away from all harms and all fears.  

5.  May God grant me enough strength for the sewing course.  

6.   May God grant all the participants with courage and wisdom needed in the sewing course, and guide them break through all the bottlenecks in learning.  

7.   The year-end board’s meeting of PIM USA is going to be held in 3 days. May God bless all the board members.  

8.  Douglas is going to leave the USA for PNG next Tuesday And I am going to Wewak and then POM on the coming Friday. May God bless us with safe flights.

9.   My mom has been suffering from dementia since 2019, and my dad’s physical and mental condition is quite worrisome. May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

10.  My brother is having a hard time taking care of my parents whom are not communicable with. May God have mercy upon him.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


The latest update of Douglas Oct. 2023 道格拉斯近期通訊 2023年十月 (New 新)


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