Dear all,

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Through the preparation for the sermon for the Sunday service, my heart was rubbed in and the message on the identity of Christians gave myself strength. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple (Psalms 19:7).



Thanks to the Lord that I got the opportunity to attend an online speech given by a church elder. More than two decades ago, this church started getting involved in cross-cultural mission. They started with developing a 6-lesson adults’ Sunday school on cross-cultural mission. I think that’s why this church has been directed into the path that works out. Cross-cultural mission is not one of the many options of church ministries. It is one of the very important reasons for church to exist. And church needs the teaching based on God’s words on cross-cultural mission to be able to fight against the blinding of Satan’s lies.


Please participate in cross-cultural mission through your prayers:

1. May God use the workshops and lectures we provide to bless churches in Taiwan.

2. May God grant His Divine Wisdom to us and bless our study.

3. May God grant Kellen a reliable expert that is able to help her train her marcels.

4. May God grant His divine healing and protection to Kellen’s old mother and my old parents. (My Dad was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.)

5. May God be in control of the process of our work permit application in PNG.


一、 願神使用我們提供的工作坊及講座,成為台灣眾教會的祝福。

二、 願神賞賜給我們屬天的智慧,保守我們在課程中的學習。

三、 求神開路,使Kellen找到可信賴的專家,幫助她鍛鍊肌肉。

四、 願神對Kellen年邁的母親及我年邁的父母賞賜祂屬天的醫治跟保護。(家父近來被診斷出攝護腺癌)

五、 願神在我們申請新幾內亞工作許可簽證的程序中掌權。

All for Him



In Christ
