Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. The wedding on August 13th in Wewak went very well. It was raining quite heavily that day and the night before, and the puddles on the way to the church in the jungle were big enough to discourage many of our friends from coming to the wedding. But we were all in God’s good hands, and His Holy Presence made the wedding filled with His glory. What we wanted was merely to glorify Him. Our wedding video has been forwarded to many people that we are still receiving congratulations. Actually, since I announced the date of our wedding on the 18th of July, I have received many replies from those on my update list saying that our good news has strengthened their faith in Christ.



On the 16th in Ambunti, there were hundreds of people attending our newlywed thanksgiving ceremony. Douglas and I just came back to Wewak from Ambunti last Friday because our small air craft flight was cancelled that extended our stay there for three days. While in Ambunti, I had a fever on the first three days and struggled a lot at the thanksgiving ceremony on the first day, after ten days staying there, I recovered from the cold, gained more strength, and my blood pressure is now back to normal.


After my fever was gone, Douglas took me to different villages each afternoon, visiting local friends. All the villagers were very happy about our getting married. And I received very warm acceptance from them. As we walked along the trail next to the air strip, seeing some egrets in the field, Douglas told me that the local people give him the name “Egret of East Sepik” as he is white, tall, slim, with long neck and very long thin legs, and mostly because they think he belongs to the East Sepik Province of PNG. Taking a deep breath, I looked at this man who is now my husband, wondering his 44 years of staying in this country of that the weather is so different from where he is from, and his being deeply involved in all the local events happening here over the years. No wonder many women gave me warm hugs and kisses when Douglas introduced me as his new wife to them. Douglas has known four generations of their families during his past 44 years of life, knowing and having worked with their parents, seeing them get married, seeing them have children, and then grandchildren. This egret is here running the race for the crown that is not perishable.


Because of Douglas, I got to know a young American missionary couple, Ben and Mary. They have four children. The youngest is only few months old. They are very interested in knowing about the ministry Kellen and I are doing. Actually, they had heard a lot about our ministry even before they knew I was the woman Douglas was getting married with. So, Kellen and I paid them a visit in their temporary rented house in Wewak on Monday, discussing about what we can do in the village they are serving in. With a new born baby needing close care and the other three blond kids crawling and running around, they let us know their practical and highly feasible projects they are doing in the village that is about an hour away by boat from Ambunti. It will take time for their resource center to be facilitated, and hopefully we will be able to do some work with them next year. This young couple give me a lot of encouragement and strengthen my faith in Christ, too. As we run the race for the imperishable crown, running with those who rejoice in Christ makes us run happier and longer.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. There were conflicts between the police and some drunkards on a main road intersection near where I am living now and it ended up protest with arson on Monday night. May God give people peace and wisdom, and quench the flights.

2. Due to the shortage of fuel, commercial transportation has been seriously cut down. That has caused significant inflationary spike in town. And it would quite possibly develop more social security issue if it lasts too long. May God be in charge.

3. The general director of CMMI and the Chairman of TMM are going to visit PNG on September 5th-13th. May God bless their journey and visa application.

4. Kellen and I are helping Meni Beach Baptist Church develop the ministry of making sanitary napkins for school girls and women who newly give a birth in the hospital. Buying the right materials and the shipping to Wewak are going to be very costly. May God give me wisdom in finding the right resources.
Sandy和 Kellen正在幫忙梅尼濱海浸信會發展衛生巾製作的事工,用以贈送給女學生以及醫院裡剛剛生下小孩的婦女。要買到適合的材料以及貨運到威瓦克都是十分昂貴的事,求神給Sandy智慧找到適當的資源。

5. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.願神看顧Sandy年邁的父母,賞賜他們救恩、健康、平安及喜樂。

All for Him



In Christ


IG: chao.sandy.png