Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Praise the Lord that with the help from a line group of needed goods exchange, Kellen was given a neck guard that was exactly her size. And she also received the donation for buying the wafers of the neck guard. The neck guard significantly better her problem of shoulder blade dislocation. Let’s hope that the problem of cervical spondylolisthesis would be dealt with too.



A physical therapist who used to be my Sunday school student has provided her on-site service for Kellen. Blessings from God are much beyond our expectations!


Last week I was busy preparing for several commitments. Suddenly they were all cancelled because of the pandemic. Anyway, the Bible reading groups keep going. Reading the Bible together is really rewarding. Together we dig into the Word better. May God’s will upon us be done.

上星期我還忙著準備一些已經排定的分享內容。一天之內因為疫情,這些行程都取消了。只有聖經陪讀還在繼續。一起讀聖經收穫很多,因為一起讀, 我們可以更深挖掘、沉浸在主的話語裡頭。願神在我們身上的旨意成全。

Kellen and I enjoy reading the Tok Pisin Bible, too. Tok Pisin becomes the language that touches my heart. “Marimari” is the word for “mercy” or “grace” in Tok Pisin. Whenever I read the word “marimari”, my soul would be waken and full of joy. Since my first trip to PNG in 2011, I have felt that I am not 100% Taiwanese anymore, and part of me have been left in PNG. Many people have asked me, “Why PNG? Why you?”--- Well, I don’t know. We shall leave the answer to God. But I am very sure that cross-cultural mission is God’s calling for His Church, not only for certain Christians.


May God be gracious to us and bless us

and make his face shine on us—

so that your ways may be known on earth,

your salvation among all nations.





Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God be in charge of the number of total cases of COVID-19 in PNG .


2. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.


3. May God cure my periodontal disease.


4. May God enable me to rest well and the inflammation within me can be reduced.


5. Kellen and I would like to receive vaccinations for COVID-19 later this month. May God heal us and enable us to be fit enough for the vaccination.


All for Him



In Christ