Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. I am well enough to live a normal life and start to gradually make up the sewing classes that I missed 2 months ago.



September 16th is the PNG Independence Anniversary. It is now the time people wear the PNG flag, the stores are decorated with leaves and balloons, and the store staff are wearing jungle costumes. It is the happiest month of the year in PNG.


It seems that the medical exams and treatments Kellen and I have received this year can’t go any further so far. Now we would like to start again finding out our way to go back to PNG while we are waiting for the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. And we expect that our ministry will be even more challenging than before as everything can cost a lot more or even double, and there is a huge gap between PNG and Taiwan concerning epidemic prevention concept. But we believe that God will certainly turn the huge gap into our opportunity for serving better in PNG.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. As the PNG Independence Anniversary is approaching, let’s pray harder for the public security in PNG. May God be in charge.

2. We have been stuck for 19 months due to the pandemic and our illnesses. May God give us peace while we are waiting, and pave the way for us to go back to PNG.

3. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.

4. I am still suffering from periodontal disease and hope it can be cured before I take off for PNG. May God’s healings dwell upon me.

5. TMM committee members are to drive to Jia Yi and attend Stephen Lin's sending ceremony this coming Sunday morning. May God bless all of us with safe journeys and unite us in Him.

6. May God bless my dad’s recovery from the cataract surgeries, and remain his driver’s license.

All for Him



In Christ
