Dear all,

May God's mercy cover you and protect you.

As the world is so badly attacked by the plague, the outbreak of corona virus in PNG started this week. The PNG government announced a 3-week-long shutdown order to sanitize the country. All the flights and public vehicles that run between towns will stop running too.

各位代禱者, 收信平安。



The rapid outbreaks of virus has been far beyond any SOP of evacuation of all mission organizations, many missionaries in the world has relieved the order of withdrawing form their mission fields. But many flights have been canceled world widely. It might be more risky for the missionaries to go back home than to stay in the mission fields. But who knows?


We believe our prayers would reach God and God's power is unlimited. Please participate in the global mission through your prayers.


1. May God protect all missionaries in the mission fields no matter they have to stay or withdraw.

2. May God grant wisdom to PNG govornment and enable them to take efficient policy to deal with the epidemic.

3. Please specially pray for the public safety of the entire PNG during the 3-week-long shut-down period.

4. I was chocked by smock as my neighbors burnt their pot in the midnight two weeks ago. May God heal my lungs and stop my cough.

1. 願神保護所有的宣教士,無論他們留在禾場或必須撤離。

2. 願神賞賜新幾內亞政府智慧,使他們得以採用有效率的防疫措施。

3. 請特別為新幾內亞三週封鎖期間全國的治安代禱。

4. Sandy兩周前在深夜被鄰居不當烹調的濃煙嗆傷,求神醫治肺部不適及咳嗽。

Thank you for being our partners


