Dear all,

Peace of the Lord be with you!

I have sent several emergent prayer requests through “LINE” since the last email was sent on the evening of July, 3rd. Thank you for praying very hard. Kellen and I safely arrived in POM, the capital of PNG, on the morning of July, 5th. Both of us had a good rest for an entire day in the Methodist Church, Tian-En-Tang. This morning, Kellen is going to give a sermon at the Sunday service, and at noon I am going to share a Bible story at the Youth Special.



But, I have lost my sleep. I am writing this letter at 4am. --- Yesterday,July 3rd, as we were invited for lunch, a brother told us that he would start serving the Lord when he reached 50. What he said put a big weigh in my heart. I used to have three very close friends, James, Judy, and Cathy. By the way, they didn’t know one another. James used to say that he would wait until he was retired, then he could serve the Lord wholeheartedly; Judy and Cathy until their kids had grown up. Especially Cathy would like to become a missionary. After all, James didn’t live to get retired, nor did Judy or Cathy see their kids grow up.


Three of them passed way in the year 2008~2013 that gave me a huge impact. These years whenever I see someone looking alike them, I would be grabbed into deep thought. What if they were still alive? We would work together for the Lord no matter what it might have cost. Even now, their passing away makes me angry, thought I can’t figure out what I am angry about.


At midnight, my anger turned into sadness. Thinking of three of them, I can’t help crying. Perhaps I have been angry with myself. When something against the teaching of the Bible came out of the mouths of them who were so familiar with God’s Word, I didn’t correct them but leave them with their naive thinking that they could decide how long they were going to live. What’s the use of my anger now? Tears of my regret are dropping down again. Is there anything I can do about it?


In the prayer, God would like me to stop my useless regret and live with hope. Who would water artificial plants? If flesh would never parish, who would treasure limited time of life and live for the Lord? The foolish are anxious of limited length of life and panic over uncertainty of it. The wise treasure life for its short length and make themselves alert for nothing can be certain. I pray that you who are reading this letter will pray with me: Lord! Make me live my life not waiting for retirement or for seeing kids grow up but waiting for your second coming with all my mind and all my strength. ...I would like to keep my lamp filled with oil.

Matthew 24:14 --- And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.


馬太福音24:14 這天國的福音要傳遍天下,對萬民作見證,然後末期才會來到。

During the past two days, the internet has cost me 20USD though I didn't use very much of it. Therefore I won’t send my updates through Line or email until I figure out what to do with the fee. Please post this link to groups and other individuals. And please kindly prayer for us according to SK2 Prayer Wall.

All for Him





