Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. I am no longer suffering from a migraine and my stomach is much better now. God is merciful: I started getting better after I sent my prayer request last week.



I would like to especially thank you for walking along with us during the past 2 years as we have been stranded over the pandemic and the heath issue. It has meant a lot to us. Last Thursday we were overwhelmed by the joy of learning about the news that visa holders would no longer need the SOE entry permit to enter PNG. Alleluia!



Rejoicing in tears, I was reminded of the story of the widow and her neighbors mentioned in 2 Kings 4:1-7. God has been keeping reminding me of this story since I first visited PNG in 2011. Missionaries are willing to take God as His word and invest their life to the salvation plan of God as the widow followed merely what the prophet had said and invested the very only one thing left in her house --- a bottle of oil --- to the miracle God was going to do for her. Besides that, missionaries are to invite many supporters to participate their ministries through prayers, financial supports, and a lot of assistance in all aspects, just as the widow was to ask her neighbors for as many empty containers as possible. So that God can be glorified more and more when He reaches out His Hand. Thank you for being my “neighbors”. May God be glorified.

在我們喜極而泣時,神再次提醒我記載在列王紀下四章1-7節的那位寡婦及她的鄰居們。自從2011年我們第一次到新幾內亞,上帝就一直這樣提醒我。宣教士信了上帝的話,願意投入生命在上帝的救贖計畫之中;就如那位寡婦單單聽從先知的交代,就把她家中僅剩的東西 --- 一瓶油 ---投資在上帝接下來要為她行的神蹟當中。此外,宣教士必須邀請很多支持者透過禱告、財務支持、以及很多其它協助來參與事工;這就如同那位寡婦必須去向她的鄰居借來空的器皿,不要少借。如此一來,當上帝施展作為時,祂所得的榮耀就多而又多。--- 感謝大家當我們的「鄰居」。願上帝得榮耀。

Please remember us in your prayers.


1. We have purchased the tickets, and are to set off on the 3rd of March, arrive PNG on the 4th, Wewak the 5th. May God bless us in our preparation and communication.

2. We are trying to deal with the shipment of our overweighed luggage. May God show His favor to us.

3. The number of daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 in PNG has picked up again. May God bless PNG and enable the people to be willing to take the wise epidemic prevention measures.

4. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ
