Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. As Kellen and I are waiting for God’s time for us to go back to PNG, He has made as to be serious to deal with our issues of health. Kellen is trying to get the doctor to arrange the NMR on her lumbar vertebrae while she is waiting for the NMR on her cervical vertebrae that is going to be done on May 3rd.



I am not quite sure about the English term for the result I got from the doctor on April 8th. But the doctor gave me a cryotherapy treatment which was not painful at all. I will have to go back to her in three months.


Besides that, I have had problem with my teeth for more than 2 months. And the x-ray taken last week showed that my alveolar bone was badly damaged because I bite non-consciously. The dentist doesn’t find it easy to deal with. May God heal me.


The trading language in PNG is called “Tok Pisin”. Every time when Kellen and I read the Tok Pisin Bible together, we feel closer to PNG, and we miss PNG very much… Anyway, just like the map God showed me in Janunary, PNG is in good hand of God and so is everyone of us. Let’s anchor our trust in Him.


As we have been being stuck in Taiwan for more than a year, there have been many occasions when we are asked about cross-cultural mission and how churches can become mission oriented. Well, we are absolutely limited, but the Bible clearly reveals God’s intention to His people, and we know that His Will shall definitely be done. Therefore, it’s not how much a church can afford to invest in cross-cultural mission. It’s not even how passionate a church is. But it’s the issue of what relationship a church has with Jesus Christ.


I once got to know a lady whose newly married husband had been deported with no notice at all and would be away for months or even years. Can you imagine how much effort she made in order to get her husband back, and how she starved herself and cabled all her money to her husband so that he would not starve overseas? Through all these, I understood how good their relationship was.


As the church is the bride of Jesus Christ, and the groom has been “away” for let’s say 2000 years, what makes the church maintain her identity for her groom who sacrificed His life, shed His blood for His bride and will definitely come back to marry her?


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. The number of total cases of COVID-19 in PNG has been rapidly boosting. May God be in control.


2. I am going to receive training whole day on April 17th and 24th. May God give me strength.


3. Kellen is to have the NMR done on May 3rd. May God enable the doctor to figure out the best solution for her knack ache.


4. May God make the cryotherapy treatment I was given on April 8th work well with my problem.


5. May God cure my periodontal disease.


6. May God enable me to rest well and the inflammation within me can be reduced.


All for Him



In Christ