Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas has come back to Weak safely, obviously having lost weight though. He had not slept for 2 days. It will take time for him to catch up.

The flight on the 3rd to go to Wewak from Ambunti was cancelled the day before. I was arranged to take the boat and car with two other missionaries. The tensive sewing course in Ambunti and the tiring journey to Wewak knocked me down. I am still feeling very sick with a fever and cold sore. It will take me time for me to recover, too.

本月3日從安布恩提飛往威瓦克的航班在飛行前一天被取消。我被安排和另外兩名宣教士一起乘船和乘車。之前在安布恩提緊張的縫紉課程和前往威瓦克的疲憊旅程讓我垮了下來。現在仍然感覺很不舒服,伴隨發燒和唇皰疹。 我也需要時間才能恢復。 

My local friend, Christa, came to me and stayed with me for 3 days. We had a good time of fellowship, talking about many sensitive issues. Of course, I have to grab the as much as time teaching her how to make patterns for sewing. She is such a proactive learner that she would redo what she has learned again and again, and ask questions until she fully gets it. She once attended a 2-year full-time sewing school, but was never taught how to use a ruler or make a pattern. As you have read my last update, you would know well about my concern and my tension in conducting the sewing course.     
我的當地朋友克莉絲塔來找我住了三天。我們促膝長談,講了很多敏感的議題。 當然,我必須抓緊時間教她服裝打版。她是一個積極主動的學習者,她會一次又一次地重做她所學的內容,並提出問題,直到她完全掌握為止。她曾在一所為期兩年的全日制縫紉學校上課,但從未學過如何使用裁縫尺,也沒學過打版。 若您閱讀了我上一封代禱信,您就會很清楚我在籌辦縫紉課程時的擔憂和張力。

When purchasing some fabric in Wewak, I met a German missionary who was new here and was thinking about running sewing classes in the women’s prison. I am gathering some information for her. I will try my best but I am not sure I can be very helpful as this involves three-party cross-cultural concerns. But what I am sure is that I will learn to respect her previous experience and what she wants to achieve.

Douglas and I have been married for 15 months. But there is still some document work not sorted yet mainly because my work visa hasn’t been approved and he is too busy to deal with our personal affairs. At times, I doubt with my role. Should I be a full-time housewife to take care of him who is as busy with multiple duties as an octopus? It would not be easy for me. When I see Douglas being buried with so many tasks, I feel painful for him and know he deserves a full-time housewife. But I heard of stories of struggles of female missionaries who had been under a lot of trainings but ended up being full-time housewives in the mission field. Physical and mental problems happened to them due to maladaptation.
道格拉斯和我結婚已經 15 個月了。 但還有一些文件工作還沒處理好,主要是因為我的工作簽證還沒批准,而且他太忙了,忙到無法處理我們的個人事務。 有時,我會對自己的角色產生懷疑。 我是否應該當全職家庭主婦來照顧像八爪魚一樣身兼多職的他? 當全職家庭主婦對我來說並不容易。 當我看到道格拉斯被這麼多的任務埋沒時,我為他感到心疼,並知道他應該有一個全職家庭主婦。 但我聽過許多女宣教士的艱辛故事,她們接受了很多培訓,卻在宣教禾場成為了全職家庭主婦。因為適應不良而產生身心問題。

Serving in the third world, we have to accept that plan never varies as fast as change. I was in the middle of teaching a sewing course earlier this month, and many sewing tools just arrived in PNG after long-time expect. Suddenly, I had to leave and meet up with Douglas in Wewak. And then, go to POM to deal with some paperwork next week. And I might have to leave the country without knowing how long later I will be back to teaching the sewing course. Everything is so uncertain though I have a very far vision for the sewing course. Anyway, we are all passengers in the world. Uncertainty should be the only thing that is certain. Isn’t it? And uncertainty reminds us seek for God’s guidance step by step. May His will be done. His love never fails.
在第三世界服事,我們必須接受計劃永遠趕不上變化的事實。 月初,我還正在教授縫紉課程,許多縫紉工具在期待已久之後才剛抵達新幾內亞。 突然,我不得不放著班級,來到在威瓦克與道格拉斯會面。 然後,下週就要去首都POM處理一些文書工作。 我也可能必須離開這個國家一陣子,而不知道多久後我才能回來教授縫紉課程。 儘管我對縫紉課程有很長遠的願景,但一切都是如此不確定。 無論如何,我們在這個世界上只是過客。 不確定性應該是唯一確定的事情。 不是嗎? 況且不確定性提醒我們要一步一步尋求神的指引。 唯願祂的旨意成全。祂的愛永不止息。


Your word, Lord, is eternal;
it stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
you established the earth, and it endures.
Your laws endure to this day,
for all things serve you.
Psalm 119:89-91
詩篇 119:89-91



Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.  May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.   May God bless PIM’s project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG.

3.   My work visa was due in July. The application documents for renewing my work visa had been misplaced by the government department. And the agent has resent them. May God pave our path.  
Sandy 的工作簽證已經在七月到期,而更新工作簽證的申請文件被政府部門弄丟了,代辦員已經重新呈交文件,求神開路。

4.   May God grant all the participants with courage and wisdom needed in the sewing course, and guide them break through all the bottlenecks in learning.  

5.   May God heal Douglas and me, and grant us health and strength.  

6.   Douglas and I are supposed to go to POM next week. May God guide us in sorting my work visa and other personal documents.

7.   My mom has been suffering from dementia since 2019, and my dad’s physical and mental condition is quite worrisome. May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

8.    My brother is having a hard time taking care of my parents whom are not communicable with. May God have mercy upon him.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


The latest update of Douglas Oct. 2023 道格拉斯近期通訊 2023年十月


Explore life in PNG with Sandy

















