Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. God has brought Kellen and me back to Wewak safely. We had a very good time in Ambunti. All the mamas in class enjoyed learning sewing skills, having devotion with Bible stories, and breaking through fellowship. The sewing machines had their ups and downs, and at times we thought we would have to bring 1 or 2 of them back to Wewak for the repairment. Blessedly we found out some solutions and finally had them all well fixed before we left them in Ambunti.



We also visited 5 churches there and enjoyed worshipping with them. The ladies taught us some of their dialect, and that brought us even closer to them. The market in Ambunti had a lot less choice of food than the market in Wewak, but both of us have become much healthier than the day we arrived there.


Now we have finished Level One of the sewing class of Dorcas Ministry with the first 2 classes of women in Ambunti. For the vision must be put ahead of the ministry, we would like to encourage them to start Dorcas Fellowship, that will be sewing and Bible storying in their own churches. If they do so and God’s Will, we will go back in October and give them the training for Level Two, supposing that the classroom of PIM is available. Hopefully God will raise up many ladies Dorcas who, based on the Bible, consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. (Hebrews 10:24)


As what we have been told by our students and one of the leaders of PIM, the sewing class of Dorcas Ministry has been well known to the surrounding villages, some of them deep in the mountains and the others in the swampy area. And women there would like to obtain the same training too. Well, we have the same burdens to them but there are a lot of challenges either for us to go to them with the necessary tailor’s tables or to bring the women out to the training resource center. As we are praying with trembling, feeling inadequate of ourselves, God inspires us to be still at the moment and focus on the vision He has given to us. He surely knows it all. Kellen and I are within the first missionaries sent by Chinese Mission Mobilization (CMMI). The very obvious vision is that Chinese Christians in the world are to be involved in cross-cultural ministries and to carry out our belief of Emmanuel. Two of us can be fragile and inadequate, and the need in manpower and finance for the ministry might crash us down. But one of our responsibilities is to deliver the vision to all Christians we know, especially to Chinese Christians and that will please God even more.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. Kellen and I are working on several reports this week. May God give us strength and efficient network.

2. May God protect our fruit of work in Ambunti and inspire the students to start Dorcas Fellowship in their churches.

3. May God strengthen us and give us peace while we focus on the vision instead of ministries.

4. May God give us wisdom and insight while working with churches and other organizations.

5. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png