Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Preparing for preaching with the course “D2B” takes a lot of time, but it does worth. Yesterday was my first time preaching with it, I was fascinated by the wisdom of God through lesson one. And I must appreciate the wonderful effort the D2B team has faithfully done in developing such an amazing course over the years.



I have been fully occupied this week as I am an extremely slow worker. And it makes Kellen concerned that I won’t be able to make it. Therefore, she kindly offers her help to me.


God makes Kellen and me so different with totally different gifts. I am her brain and she is my hands. Though at times I complain about her brain and she complain about my hands, working together, we get much better than working alone.

上帝造我和Kellen個性完全不同,恩賜也完全不同。我當她的策劃,她當我的執行。雖然有時我會嘮叨她沒想通,她也會嘲笑我笨手笨腳 (大部分時候是我把她氣個半死),然而,我們互相幫補,就大大好過各自發揮。

Now you are the body of Christ,

and every one of you the separate parts of it.

---1 Corinthians 12:27



Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God give us peace while we are waiting, and pave the way for us to go back to PNG.

2. May God bless our donors and give us enough monthly incoming donation.

3. I have 2 more friends who would like to take the “D2B” course with me. May God work among us.

4. I am honored to be asked by a church to make some robes for baptism, and I must press on to make the work done in these few days. May God grant me the skill and strength.

5. Kellen and I are to deliver massages in the churched in Hsinchu on October 17th and 24th. May God strengthen us.

6. May God bless my dad’s recovery from the cataract surgeries, and remain his driver’s license.

All for Him



In Christ
