Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We have finally fulfilled the commitment of making the baptism robes. And God made me learn a good lesson on team building.



We were informed last Friday that our flight on January 8th was canceled though we had paid for it. Thankfully we will get the full refund of the fee. But now we are facing difficult choices:


Plan A: To stick with the original route with slight alternation. The flights of this route in later January are still available at the moment. But we have been told this week that this route contains high risks of personal safety.


Plan B : To take another route. Then we can book the later flight of January. But the allowed time for flight transfer is too short. And the price of plan B is 1,000 USD more each than plan A. And it will be 3.5 times of the price as what we had paid before the pandemics of COVID-19.


Kellen and I went to a museum on Monday. Among so many items that we couldn’t finish admiring in one day, what caught the eyes of both of us were the music instruments of PNG, the Kundu and the Garamu that we were familiar with but hadn’t seen for 2 years…Well,… You might have felt what I feel.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. Our flight on January 8th has been canceled. May God guide us in deciding the route, repurchasing the flight tickets.

2. We are working on finding a long-term- durational medical evacuation insurance package. May God guide us to find one that we can afford.

3. May God bless PNG and enable the people to be willing to take the wise epidemic prevention measures.

4. May God’s Spirit work among us in the one-to-one reaching out course “D2B”.

All for Him



In Christ
