Dear all,

Thank you for interceding faithfully. It’s so wonderful that we work together in God’s beautiful plan. Last week our workshop in the seminary went very well. All participants were highly involved in our tight scheduled and fast paced activities. Kellen and I are so grateful to be used by God to deliver the vision He has revealed to us to the seminary students. They are younger, more energetic and more talented than us. They shall be better used by God.



Though we can’t predict when we will again go to PNG, while we are waiting, we are working on modifying our workshops and lectures. And hopefully God will use them to inspire churches we get in touch with to be involved in cross-cultural mission in His way.


Please also be involved through your prayers:

1. In PNG, 8 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported. May God grant wisdom to the government and make appropriate policies be taken.

2. I will be giving a sermon in a church in Tainan on May 24th. This is the 3rd sermon I give to this church. May God Himself guide this church on the journey of the cross-cultural mission.

3. On June 6th, Kellen and I will be conducting a lecture on how to be supporters of missionaries. May God’s Spirit be with our speeches.

4. May God be in control of the process of our work permit application in PNG.


一、 新幾內亞目前有8個新冠肺炎確診病例。願神賞賜給政府有智慧採取適當措施。

二、 五月24日,Sandy將在台南的一所教會講道。這是Sandy第三次在這所教會講道。願神親自引導這所教會在跨文化宣教的路程。

三、 六月六日,Kellen和我將主講一個「支持宣教有方」的講座。願神的靈參與講座中的每個演講。

四、 願神在我們申請新幾內亞工作許可簽證的程序中掌權。

All for Him



In Christ
