Dear all,

May our Merciful God be with you. He is our hiding place.



Thank you for your support through praying faithfully. Two weeks ago, God inspired me to start writing devotional articles in Tok Pisin that is the trading language commonly used in PNG. And He also gave Kellen the same inspiration at the same time. For now I cannot afford to write a devotional article each day. But I have written three of them and enjoy doing it. My Tok Pisin is not good enough but I will be getting there since it was God who initiated this task.


Please continue participating in our ministry through your prayers.

1. In PNG, 8 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported. May God grant wisdom to the government and make appropriate policies be taken.

2. I am supposed to give a speech in the jail on the afternoon of May 6th. May God’s name be glorified.

3. Kellen and I will be conducting a workshop on cross-cultural mission in a theological seminary on May 15th. May God’s will be revealed to everyone in the workshop.

4. May God be in control of the process of our work permit application in PNG.


一、 新幾內亞目前有8個新冠肺炎確診病例。願神賞賜給政府有智慧採取適當措施。

二、 五月六日下午,Sandy將在監獄發表演說,願神的名得榮耀。

三、 五月十五日,SandyKellen在一所神學院舉辦跨文化宣教工作坊。願神的旨意藉工作坊顯明在我們心中。

四、 願神在我們申請新幾內亞工作許可簽證的程序中掌權。

All for Him



In Christ
