Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. I am feeling more energetic now. And God has answered our prayer about the “I don’t care” skin disease. Some villagers tried squeezing lemon juice onto the sores, and it worked!!! The wounds are all dried out.   Thank you again for willing to participate in the miracle God makes.


It is dry season now. The level of Sepik River drops rapidly though we have some rain at night. Douglas has worked very hard on the project to have water come through from the mountains. We can hardly buy vegetables in the markets. Most of the green stuffs we see in the market are either betel nuts or paradise leaves for wrapping sago jelly. We are blessed with the green papayas that grow on the papaya tree outside of the house. We enjoy green papaya salad made of green papaya, peanuts, vinegar, olive oil, and onion.             


Some Amunti church women are going to a village called Amaki on Wednesday and come back next Monday. One of them, Pastor Victoria, is going to hold a church decoration workshop there. I am not able to go with them because it not only will take a 3 hours boat journey, but also some more hours of journey pushing the boat forward in the mud that can be quite deep (This is due to the low water level, too). They would not enjoy pushing the boat forward with me on it. And I don't want to travel without Douglas. They told me about it because they knew that I will mention about this trip in my update. And they enjoy knowing someone is praying for them.

I was planning to another Level One training. But the materials I had purchased in Wewak for some reason were not found when we arrived in Ambunti. And it happens that there will be the annual Crocodile Festival in the first week of August that very much occupies Ambunti people this month. It provides for me a break to optimize the training course. It is cultural issue and students’ previous cognition on sewing and tailoring that they do not value fine work. That is why the effort they would like to put in is far shorter than the level they want to reach. Sewing in Tok Pisin is “samap” which is generated from the English phrase “sum up”. Therefore, the major work of sewing for them is to be able to use a sewing machine and to sum up pieces of fabric into something wearable. I am developing a workshop of making shopping bag in which students mainly would brush their skill of making bias. Hopefully, we can have the workshop take place in the third week of this month. 

我原本計畫再進行一次第一級培訓,但是不知怎麼回事,我在威瓦克購買的材料,到了安布恩提之後沒找到。剛好八月的第一週是一年一度的鱷魚節,這會使得這個月安布恩提的人這個月不太能定下心來。這也給我一個優化培訓課程的空檔。由於文化的議題以及學生以往對縫紉和裁縫的認知,她們不太認為精工有什麼重要。這會使得她們願意付出的努力,遠遠不及她們想達到的程度。濱涇語中的縫紉叫做「samap」,源自英語「sum up」一詞。因此,對她們而言,縫紉的主要工作是要能夠使用縫紉機把幾片布料兜成可以穿戴的東西。我正在開發一個製作購物袋的工作坊,主要是讓學生加強練習做滾邊的技巧。希望我們可以在本月的第三周進行這個工作坊。 

Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.   May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.   The system problems of the bank used by PIM have not been solved yet, the staff of PIM in Wewak spend hours in the bank every week. PIM have to make fund transaction from the US to PNG several times a month. May God bless the fund wiring process.

3.   May God be in charge of the “I don’t care” skin disease and grant His healing in Ambunti. 

4.   May God protect the church women on their trip to Amaki  and back to Ambunti, and bless the workshop of church decoration.

5.   May God bless MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) in sorting their difficulties in manpower and aircrafts. (Especially for the aircraft that is stuck in Black Water.)  

6.   May God give me wisdom in preparing for the workshop of making shopping bags.  

7.   May God heal Douglas’ swollen ankle.  

8.   My visa is due on July, 10th. The application is in process. May God be in charge.  

9.   May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.
願神看顧Sandy年邁的父母,賞賜他們救恩、健康、平安及喜樂。All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊