Dear all,

May God’s divine peace be with you.

Because of the travel limitation of PNG caused by the global COVID-19 epidemic and the need to declutter my parents’ place, I have been staying in the country side for one and a half months. Many problems have solved but new ones keep coming up. As my mother is gradually losing her ability of taking care of herself, this week the tasks of cleaning up nearly drove me nut. When praying and crying to God, He recalled me the time when my brother and I were very little. Well, we used to poop in the bath basin and be very annoying, but my parents never regret to have us. Therefore the more I feel tired when I have to mop the stinky floor at midnight, the more I feel my parents’ love and patience. God’s grace is definitely sufficient for us.


Recently Taiwan has become globally famous of the performance of epidemic control. Actually, I have also been following the daily announces of the CDC commander, Mr Chen, and trying to analyze the reasons of the strategies of the CDC. Doing this, I realize the importance of keeping aware and avoiding panic. And we can also tell that over protection and overly strict laws can’t cause proper awareness. I think the way is to keep the people aware is to realize that we are to be beating with the virus, not the rate of infection. Therefore the low rate of infection can be maintained and the health care system won’t be burnt out. Furthermore the day of zero infection can be expected.


Our life journey is more or less the same. As we say “straining toward what is ahead”, that means to run as if lions were running after us. Let’s notice: it’s the lions, not the other Christians or non-Christians. Who would dare be happy to win the second prize?


Let’s all humble down and pray about the COVID-19 epidemic and for our heart.


1. May God protect all missionaries in the mission fields no matter they have to stay or withdraw.

2. May God grant wisdom to PNG govornment and enable them to take efficient policy to deal with the epidemic.

3. Please specially pray for the public safety of the entire PNG during the shut-down period.

4. I was chocked by smock as my neighbors burnt their pot in the midnight three weeks ago. May God heal my lungs and stop my cough.

1. 願神保護所有的宣教士,無論他們留在禾場或必須撤離。

2. 願神賞賜新幾內亞政府智慧,使他們得以採用有效率的防疫措施。

3. 請特別為新幾內亞封鎖期間全國的治安代禱。

4. Sandy三周前在深夜被鄰居不當烹調的濃煙嗆傷,求神醫治肺部不適及咳嗽。

Thank you for being our partners


