Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We had a very good time in Maui with our son, Sam, daughter-in-law, Christine, their alpacas, llamas, and rabbits. We didn’t look forward to going to the beach, but to enjoying family time with them. It’s a wonderful blessing to eat, talk, and work with family, especially for us who serve abroad. Now, we are staying in a motel in Reno, Nevada It’s the city the other family members live in. And we stay two days per week in PIM office in Grass Velley, California.



photo 2 照片二

Another son, Chris (middle in the back row), was visiting Sam and Christine, too. He left in the evening of the day we arrived. 另一個兒子克里斯(後排中間)也去拜訪山姆漢克莉絲汀,我們抵達那天的晚上,他正好離開。

I am especially thankful for the spiritually therapeutic time Christine allowed me to join her work with the animals. Sam and Christine, as alpaqueros, gave me surprising understanding of the love of our Lord Jesus, the Greatest Shepard.  


The shearers came and shear the animals once a year. Christine skirting the fleeces, cards the fur, ……spins the wool, makes the yarns and does the knitting work all by herself. Not only was there each of their names on the leashes, but also the knitting works Christine made of their fur.Sam and Christine gave a Biblical name to each of the couple dozens of alpacas and llamas of theirs. And when they called the animals’ names, they did know their names be called.


Raising alpacas and llamas is not elegant and poetic as most people could imagine. It is demanding and pricy. The alpaqueros have to train the animals, clean their dung, monitor closely the amount of bugs in their dung with microscopes in order to decide when to give medical treatments, and help with deliveries of calves. Sam and Christine raise these animals for Christine’s pursuing high quality of her knitting works. They did appreciate a lot the products that have come out of the fur of them. But that doesn’t mean the work is profitable at all. If it was not the persistent love of good works, this work could not be continued. As we are works of God’s hands, we shall spend quality time in meditating God’s efforts, persistence, intention, and the way He values us.


On one of the days of our staying in Maui, Christine and I spent the entire afternoon “skirting” the fleeces. It was a dusty task as it’s handling not only adorable, soft and fluffy fleeces, but also dust, dry grass, even dry mud and dry dung. As we were doing it, Christine would tell me the story of each animal of which the fleece we were dealing with, including what happened when they were bought or born, their likes and dislikes, and even the amount of bugs in a gram of their dung. My dear friends, no matter what beautiful work we can contribute, we are all being dealt with our filth by the Lord. And He knows better even the number of bugs in our characters than any of our criticizers do. He keeps everything about us in His mind knitted with loving string and caring yarn.  


When opening up the fleece of a black alpaca, Christine told me with a lovingly worried face that this alpaca had 5000 bugs in per gram of its dung. When the number is 300, the report would say this animal needs to receive medical treatments. Now, the number was 5000. The report said that this animal was dead. But it was not!! This is how we are to the Lord. We are already dead. But we are not!!! It is all about His love and our relationship with Him.



Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.   PNG government is short of US Dollars for buying fuel. The chain effects have caused a sharp rise in prices and other social issues. May God help PNG government in sorting out the currency issue and the fuel crisis.   
新幾內亞政府缺乏購買燃油的美元。 其連鎖效應導致物價大幅上漲及其他社會問題。 願上帝幫助新幾內亞政府解決貨幣問題及燃油危機。

2.  Mission Aviation Fellowship is facing severe shortage of manpower, aircrafts and fuel. May God has His mercy on the great aviation needs of missionaries in PNG.   

3.   PIM has been having a project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG. May God bless the big job of distribution.  

4.    May God grant Douglas wisdom and strength in preparing for the board’s meeting of PIM USA that is going to take place in May 10th.  

5.   Besides the tasks in the USA, Douglas is handling the tasks of PIM happening in PNG, working day and night. May God remember his hard-working and bless him with good health.  

6.    May God grant wisdom and patience to the trained women in the sewing training course in developing the sewing ministries of Dorcas Fellowship in South Sea Evangelical Church in Ambnuti and the AOG Church in Ambunti.

7.   May God give me wisdom in efficiently helping the ladies here in long term with pricy sewing resource.

8.   May God remember Beverlyn’s & Jennifer’s hearts in serving Him in the sewing ministry, and provide their families with their needs.

9.    May God bless the work of the Women’s fellowship in South Sea Evangelical Church in Ambunti at raising fund for the generator.

10.   May God pave our path to renewing my work visa.  

11.    May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

12.    May God watch over my brother’s family:remember their hard working and traveling, and bless their work and study.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


P. S. Sandy在結婚之後仍然需要兄姐們的支持。若您有感動為Sandy奉獻,敬請與我聯絡。願神賜福給您。



The latest update of Douglas Feb. 2024 道格拉斯近期通訊 2024年二月


Explore life with Sandy



























