Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. I have been spending time making healthy and nutritious food for myself this month. Working on only one thing or going on only one event a day, I have managed not to need to spending time in bed all day. But I need to be aware of my limit. Not getting enough rest, my gums and my throat would be badly swollen. I thank God that He makes my gums and my throat play the roles as alarms to me.



Kellen would like to thank you all for praying for her sermon. The sermon went well even though she was in great pain. And after resting in bed for two days, she feels better now.


After talking with the dentist I usually go to and praying for guidance of God, I have decided to have conservative treatment with my periodontal disease. Too big a destruction does not mean a solution to a problem. Over the years, God has been training me like this to make decisions out of peace instead of fear.


Our church had our monthly ladies’ fellowship last Friday. We talked about what all our sufferings in life had meant to us. Well, each of us had different answers. There is a Chinese expression, “Eight or nine out of ten in life would not happen as what we would be delighted with.” But in the life of Jesus Christ we would appreciate the other "ninety" that we have kept ignoring.


Jesus has come that they may have life, and have it to the full.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God be in charge of the number of total cases of COVID-19 in PNG .


2. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.


3. May God cure my periodontal disease.


4. May God enable me to rest well and the inflammation within me can be reduced.


5. Kellen and I would like to receive vaccinations for COVID-19. May God heal us and enable us to be fit enough for the vaccination.


All for Him



In Christ