Dear all,

How are you doing? May our Merciful Lord cover you and give you rest.



Last Sunday I was giving a sermon in a little church in the tribal area, and because of God’s mercy, I got a chance to be able to have a good talk with the pastor whose had got open mind and a big hart so that I could be direct: According to Acts 1:8, all churches that belong to Jesus Christ, no matter how small they are, and all Christians, starting on the first day of being converted, are able to and supposed to participate in cross-cultural ministries since what we need is the power that comes from the Holy Spirit and that is exactly what God’s purpose is to give us the power of the Holy Spirit. In the beginning of the church, evangelists knew that not having silver or gold would not hinder the practice of our ministry. What we need to make paralyzed people walk is the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Well, nowadays, having and wanting too much silver and gold makes the church paralyzed. May God reveal His vision to His church and remove all blindness caused by fear.


As Kellen and I were pressing on getting ready to leave for PNG, we were informed that PNG government had announced hat all passengers for Asia would be forbidden to enter PNG because of the outbreak of 2019-nCoV in China. Our trip to PNG has to be postponed, but we trust God’s plan and believe He would make everything turn out to be the best. Not being able to travel makes us focus on the work of connection and communication. Praise the Lord that He opens the door for us timely.


Recently, because of sickness and aging of my parents, they needed a lot of help with tidying up their house in the city and their yard in the summer house in the countryside. It seems that God has made me do more duty as a daughter. That is good since a better environment for my parents will make me less concerned for them when I serve in the mission field. Besides that, there are more very useful sewing classes that I would like to take. They just popped up at the right time.


Please keep participating in our ministry.

1. I am going to take full-day sewing classes on the 13th. May God give me strength.

2. May God give me the wisdom and find the right people to work on tiding up my parents’ houses and the big yard.

3. As our trip to PNG is canceled, may God give us peace with the work of connection and communication.

4. May God show us way to applying for long term visa in PNG.


一、 Sandy將於13日上全日的裁縫課。求神賞賜體力精神。

二、 Sandy為年邁雙親的住家及庭園進行整理整頓,求神送給Sandy 體力及智慧,找到合適的人砍樹,拆除鐵架並處理大量的廢棄物。

三、 因新幾內亞政府的防疫措施,我們必須取消這個月赴新幾內亞的行程。求神給我們平安,做好聯結與溝通的工作。

四、 求神指引我們申請新幾內亞長期簽證,保守所有程序的溝通。

Thank you for being our partners


