Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas went to Wewak yesterday and POM this afternoon.

Coughing for a month has been pulling his muscles on his back and belly. And that has made him feel so painful and weak that we had to cancel our trips to observing several PIM schools in the remote areas. Even so, he still works day and night. And in Wewak, he is busy around with the duty of shopping until the last minute he had to rush to the airport. My heart aches for him that, after he arrives in POM, he will have 5 more flights to take before he reaches Reno, Nevada.

I can’t go on the trip with Douglas since my visa application documents are still stuck in the Labor Department. I saw him off yesterday afternoon. After the aircraft took off and flew out of sight, people said to me, “Don’t worry. You are already a Wasku woman.” Wasku is the name of the language in this area. What they said meant that they would look after me when Douglas is away. Merolyn came in the evening and slept in our living room. This morning, she helped me go to the market, holding my hand as what Douglas would do so that I would not fall on the slippery muddy road. Thank God that we have friends in Ambunti who care about us.


My sewing course is going to start next Monday. It will be taking place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. The sewing classes my students hold in the church have been going on. The church ladies try very hard in improving their skill of making biases. Seeing them excited with the vest shopping bags they are making, I am thankful that God gives me wisdom to tell what I should insist and what I should let go.

Working on the handouts for the lessons, I need more and more wisdom from God so that I don’t drag the students into the wrong direction. Last year, I was talked into developing a course that was thought extremely needed in many third world countries. I prayed very hard but somehow, I did not really feel motivated finishing designing the project. I asked God “why?” until two months ago, I realized that people in PNG have something that is better and cheaper substitute, available and affordable. If I had insisted finishing that project last year, it could have ended up that I could have confused local students’ value system with my sense of superiority without knowing it.

A missionary is not a superman. We are ordinary persons. Beside the tension from work, sentiment from separation, I have been distressed by some worrisome news from my family back home in Taiwan. The police station that was miles away called my family to pick up my mom who has suffered from dementia for 4 and a half years. On the same day, my dad had a bad wound on the lip but refused to be sent to the hospital. Thankfully, my mom was not lost for a long time and my dad agreed to go to the hospital the next day…. It hasn’t been easy. We need strength and insight from God to get through all the difficulties inside and out.   

There have been frequent earthquakes these two weeks and quite a sensible one last Sunday evening. Douglas and I were having our devotion and I said to Douglas, “Don’t shake the chair. You are shaking the house.” The earthquake was centered in Madang. The airstrip in Madang airport cracked and the flights there have been canceled. Earthquakes, floods and wars that happen more and more frequently remind us that we all have to live our life wisely, looking forward to the second coming of Jesus Christ.



Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.       May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.願上帝在新幾內亞的燃油危機中掌權。

2.       Douglas is in charge of ministries of PIM in Ambunti, Wewak and the USA, working day and night with multi-tasks. May God bless him with good health. 道格拉斯主理PIM在安布恩提、威瓦克及美國的眾多事工,身兼多職、日夜工作。求神保守他身體健康。

3.       May God bless PIM’s project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG.  願上帝賜福PIM與新幾內亞教育部與的合作方案,發送十萬份宗教教育教科書到各省的公立中學。

4.       The application documents of my work visa had been misplaced by the government department. And the agent has resent them. May God pave our path.  Sandy 的工作簽證申請文件被政府部門弄丟了,代辦員已經重新呈交文件,求神開路。

5.       May God grant me His Divine Wisdom in preparing for the sewing course that is going to start next Monday.  願上帝賜下屬天智慧,使Sandy好好為下周一開始的縫紉班備課。

6.       May God heal Douglas’ cough and aching muscles.  願上帝醫治道格拉斯的咳嗽及肌肉疼痛。

7.       May God bless Douglas with a safe journey back to the USA.  願神保守道格拉斯回美國的飛機行程。

8.       May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.願神憐憫Sandy年邁父母的財務需要、看顧他們,賞賜他們救恩、健康、平安及喜樂。

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


The latest update of Douglas Aug. 2023 道格拉斯近期通訊 2023年八月

The latest update of Douglas Sep. 2023 道格拉斯近期通訊 2023年九月


Explore life in PNG with SandyExplore life in PNG with Sandy











