Dear all,

How are you doing? May God's Word enrich your life.



Dear all,

How are you doing? May God's Word enrich your life.



What a booty in the Bible!

Last Friday was our Dragon Boat Festival. My church had a Bible-reading festival instead. What caught my eyes was a word saying "God's word lifts up my heart as if I got the booty." Nowadays, the word "booty" might make one think of going shopping. But in the age of the Bible, booties are part of the parade of the triumph that not only means material satisfaction but also abundant glory shared all nation wide.




When I first went to PNG in 2011, God told me to take myself as poor widows in the Bible that had nothing at all and had to rely on God's daily provision. Since then, I have paid extra attentions to scriptures about widows. That's the way God has taught me the Missiology beyond Missiology. I would like to call it "Widowology".



A widow and her neighbors

Last week I was invited to give a talk at a prayer meeting. I as usual had my lecture and ppt ready. As people are arriving, I ask them what they would like to know from me. One would like to know how we can deliver messages in the mission field, another how a small church with very limited resource can participate in the Great Commission.

As we were singsing worship songs, God would like me to put away my sermon and talk about something about a widow that had visited Elisha the prophet.

She said, " My husband died and the debtors have threatened to take my sons away."

"What can I do for you? ....What do you have in your house?" asked Elisha.

"I have nothing but a bottle of oil." she answered.

"Go and ask your neighbors for all their empty containers. Go back home and work with your sons, pouring the bottle of oil into those empty containers, filling them one after another." instructed Elisha.

The widow did as what the prophet said. Right at the time she had filled the last container will oil, the bottle turned empty.

As I was telling the story, I stepped to the audience, asking for empty containers, and they all said, "Yes, you may have all my empty containers"


上個星期,Sandy到一個教會的10人禱告會分享信息。照例我事先準備了講章與投影片。當大家陸續到來時,Sandy向幾位先到的人詢問今天他們想要從我這裡知道什麼。有人想知道宣教士在禾場如何傳遞訊息、有人想知道一個資源不多的小教會可以在宣教的事上做些什麼......。唱詩歌敬拜時,神就要我把準備的講章擱著,這天就來講講窮寡婦的事情吧!--- 有一位寡婦去找先知以利沙:「丈夫死了之後,我欠了很多錢。債主要來把我兒子們抓去抵債了。」以利沙問:「我能為妳做什麼?妳家裡還有什麼東西?」她回答:「我家裡只有一瓶油。」以利沙要寡婦向鄰居借來所有的空瓶、空罐、空桶子。回到家裡關上門,和兒子一起把她家中那瓶油倒滿借來的空瓶、空罐、空桶子。寡婦照著先知講的話去做,當所有的空瓶、空罐、空桶子都裝滿油的時候,她那瓶油才倒空。講這個故事的時候,Sandy到台下問大家可不可以把空瓶、空罐、空桶子借給我,大家都說願意。

Working with God

This story answered the two questions asked by the audience: 1. The best way for a missionary to deliver messages in the field is to bring the audience into the Bible story and allow the scriptures to talk to their heart through the roles in the stories. 2. God didn't "need" the bottle of oil or the neighbors to practice this miracle, just as He didn't "need" missionaries or churches to fulfill His plan for His worldwide glory. But He "wants" His people to work with Him--- missionaries to offer their bottle of oil, and the church all empty containers.



A church proving Jesus' visit

My sending church is located in a rented factory house. Averagely we have 45 members attending Sunday Service. We always cut off any unnecessary expense from our end. But beside increasing our donation for Christian organizations year by year, we gather all we can give to send a missionary as well as support 20 children in need through ICCM. One of our pastors is blind, but his monthly sermon proves he can "see" well; one of our sisters is lack of a leg, but she is so loved by God that He made her liver-transplantation possible. Her hard working also proves that she can "walk"; we don't have much but we are so "wealthy" that we can give; each Sunday morning a deaf old brother would stand at the front door with a list of names, trying to remember all our names...such an imperfect small church is proving to all who are weary with their burdens: Jesus Christ has been to the world and we are all waiting for His second coming.



Little neighbors of the widow

Raising fund for my ministry, I have to work day and night. It's so tiring but rewarding. Especially our Sunday school students are also making five-color-bean crafts for raising fund for cross-cultural ministries too. Look at these pictures. Shouldn't I keep going, pouring out my bottle of oil?



Your heart and our booty

For this week, why don't we pray for ourselves: May God guide us to find our bottle of oil or our empty container. Where it is, there is our heart. And let's pray for all Chinese churches in the world. May God make us one in His Word, working with God and fulfilling the Great Commission that is about all nations.

This letter is to invite you to participate in cross-cultural ministries. Your participation might make one of the people group in the world rejoice in God's Word as if they got the booty, and God's heart satisfied.




All for Him



Sandy 20190610