Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We were so blessed to be given some noni fruit by the neighbor, Dorin, and the pain of Kellen on her neck and back has been released a lot after taking the noni juice. And God gave us the opportunity to visit Dorin, giving some ointment and praying for Dorin about her abscess on the foot that she had had for 10 years.


感謝大家忠心代禱。神恩待我們,鄰居朵琳送給我們一些諾麗果,Kellen飲用諾麗果汁之後,肩頸及腰部的痠痛舒緩很多。神也給我們機會讓我們拜訪朵琳, 送給她藥膏,並為她腳背上的十年膿瘡禱告。

We had a good time at the Philippines fellowship in our apartment 2 weeks ago. All the guests enjoyed “The tiger eat the pig” very much. Most of them ate two or more. We managed to finish all the cooking and steaming right at the time they arrived. If it hadn’t been God, we wouldn’t have been able to make it with the empty gas cylinder and water-cut-off all day. Praise the Lord, the water came just before the gathering started and there wasn’t a blackout. It was a good occasion to show our gratefulness for being remembered and prayed for about our coming back over the past 2 and a half years by them.


I used to be taught by my first missionary mentor that the first step of being a missionary is to be a learner of culture, languages, and building relationship, instead of being an instructor. Kellen and I were blessed with the opportunity of learning how make “bilum” from our landlord’s wife and their daughter. Bilum is the PNG traditional hand-woven bag and is very important part of PNG culture. As this was our first attempt, they had us make a very little one, just like what a six-year-old PNG girl would be first taught to make. It took me about 12 hours to weave one that is big enough to contain my cellphone. Now, with a humble heart, I would much better appreciate the various bilums PNG women can weave.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God guide us in figuring out the tax.

2.May God continue curing Kellen’s pain on her neck, her back and her knee.

3.May God heal our neighbor Dorin’s 10-year-old abscess, and open the door for us to reach her family with the gospel.

4.May God give us wisdom in preparing for the course to teach in Anguganak TVET Center, and give us better understanding to communicate with the staff of the center.

5.The problem of leaking gas has caused significant financial lost and could jeopardize our safety. May God give our landlord the wisdom needed to figure out what to do with it.

6. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png