Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. I took a 5-day-long rest in Guanxi, Xinzu, enjoying the nice scenery, warm people and the healing from God. And now I feel much more energetic than 2 weeks ago. During the five days of rest, I got a chance to join a meeting and was benefited by some missionaries through their messages. What a big blessing!



Right after coming back to Kaohsiung, my church pastors and I got together and had a good talk. They helped me sort out what to do next as it seemed that I would have to stay in Taiwan for some more months for the medical treatments and following up. With the support from the pastors, this week I started Bible reading with some ladies. And the art therapy program with the seniors’ fellowship will be run again soon. Anyway, my priority is preparing the teaching materials for the lessons that we will run in PNG. Kellen and I also spend a lot of time reading the Tok Pisin Bible together.


Kellen is still suffering from great pain. With the problem in her neck, the doctor suggested that she wear a neck guard for three months and see what to do next. With the problem in her back, she has been taking muscle relaxants and waiting for the MRI to be taken. With such difficulty, she still goes to the carpentry class three evenings a week beside her ministries with the church and with me.


Praise the Lord that Kellen and I have been receiving a lot of love, help and care from many of you. Thanks to the Lord for the countless blessings from above.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God be in charge of the number of total cases of COVID-19 in PNG .


2. Kellen and I are preparing for a talk in Tainan on May 22nd. May God grant us with the divine wisdom.


3. I am preparing for a talk in a mission prayer gathering on June 5th in PingTong. May God grant me with His guidance.


4. I am to conduct the art therapy program with the seniors’ fellowship on May 20th. May God bless us.


5. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.


6. May God cure my periodontal disease.


7. May God enable me to rest well and the inflammation within me can be reduced.


8. Kellen and I would like to receive vaccinations for COVID-19 later this month. May God heal us and enable us to be fit enough for the vaccination.


All for Him



In Christ