Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. With God’s mercy, we have had good weather since I published the last update, so that we have been able to wash and dry almost all the stale-smelling clothes. And our apartment seems habitable now though we are still sorting all our belongings. And that makes us sleep better.



Spending some time visiting the stores in town last week, we are figuring out what tools are available in town and thinking of what kind of sewing machines we should buy once we are ready to run the sewing class. And that will shape our decision of what kind of car we should buy. Considering the shortage of power supply in the villages we are going to run classes, we might have to buy portable sewing machines that are paddles by hand. Though electric ones are much lighters, we are not capable of carrying the generator. I remember that the hand-paddled sewing machine was about 2,500NTD each in 2019. Now it is about 6,500NTD. And the electric ones are even more expensive.

上星期花一些時間逛逛鎮上的商店,看看這裡買得到什麼工具;也思考一下,等要開裁縫課時該買哪一種縫紉機,這將決定我們要買哪一種汽車。考慮到將來要開課的各村落供電不易,我們可能會買手槳式的縫紉機。(在台灣應該沒看過吧?幾十年前台灣的手動式縫紉機都是腳踩式的。在新幾內亞,大部分家庭沒有椅子,所以手動縫紉機做成手槳式。) 雖然電動縫紉機會輕盈很多,但是我們終究扛不動發電機。我記得2019年在這裡看到的手槳式縫紉機每台大約台幣2,500元,現在已經漲價到約6,500元一台了。電動縫紉機就更貴囉!

We were very excited when we ran into Nancy on Monday. She was our first student when we ran the sewing class in Wewak in 2019. And her brother Samuel helped us make the blackboard. She said that she had thought that we would never come back because we were afraid of dying from COVID-19. She is direct, isn’t she? …Well, we had been trying very hard to come back. But God has His plan. He has finally brought us back now. We are grateful for being able to serve Him in the country with many lovely friends like Nancy. One of the very important lessons we have learned over the past years is that: Our part is to listen and obey, and getting the ministry done is God’s part.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. We have 3 DHL parcels on the way to Wewak. May God make them come safely.

2. May God guide us with getting drivers’ license, opening bank accounts, buying a car, and figuring out the tax.

3. We are still uncertain about what sewing machine to buy. May God grant us with the wisdom.

4. Kellen is having a great pain on her shoulder, back, and knee on the righthand side. And I have a toothache due to the very hot weather. May God heal us.

5. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ
