Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Running back and forth among government departments like ping-pong, Douglas and I have had a lot of work on our documents done over the past five weeks in Taiwan. We pray that what we have encountered can be blessings to others in the future. And our shopping for the mission is going better than what we expected. About our health, the problem with my gum that lasted for 2 years seems to disappear, and God is so merciful that with the help of a sister from my sending church, Douglas feels much better with his ankle though he has been so busy that paying a visit to the doctor is too hard for him. Now I am more concerned about his head. (See the picture.)

感謝您忠心地為我們禱告。 像乒乓球一樣在各政府部門來來回回,道格拉斯和我在過去五周裡在臺灣完成很多文件。希望我們所遇到的事將來可以成為他人的祝福。採購任務也比我們預期的要好。有關健康的問題,我累積兩年的牙齦問題感覺上已經消失。儘管道格拉斯一直很忙,去看醫生對他來說實在太難,在我差派教會的一位姊妹的協助下,他的腳踝有好很多,神真是憐憫我們。現在我比較為他的頭擔心(見相片) 

We have done our best, but we are not going to able to finish all the needed documents before we leave. Some appointments for making documents notarized take weeks to wait for. And I should go for more medical checks. But we have to leave Taiwan for PNG this Saturday for an important board’s meeting that cannot be held online. Douglas' multiple duties in the United States and PNG contributes difficulties in our travel arrangement, but we believe God will prepare for us. And we would do our best each every day. Meanwhile, Douglas is preparing for the board’s meeting of PIM PNG on April 19th and the online board’s meeting of PIM USA on April 21. And I am trying to fulfill the long to-do list as we are supposed to go to Taipei on the 14th, leaving for PNG on the 15th. Besides strength and wisdom, patience and God’s Divine Peace are greatly needed.

由於一些公證文件的預約需要等待數周時間,雖然我們十分努力,卻無法在離開之前完成所有需要的文件。我有幾項健康檢查也都沒時間去做。然而,我們本周六必須離開臺灣前往新幾內亞,參加無法在線上舉行的重要理監事會議。道格拉斯在美國及新幾內亞的繁重服事使得行程安排相當困難,但我們相信神自有準備,目前就依照我們當下所能盡力去做。這時,道格拉斯正在為 4 19 日的新幾內亞PIM理監事會議和 4 21 日的美國PIM線上理監事會議做準備。我正在努力完成一長串待辦事項。14日就要上台北,15日上飛機回新幾內亞。 我們不但需要力量和智慧,也需要耐心和上帝屬天的平安。 

Last Monday, we were waken up by phone calls from PNG as the staff were waken up too early in the morning by the Richter’s 7.2 degree earth quake centered 50 km away from Ambunti. The water tank on the roof of the house we stay in Ambunti fell, books and documents all fell off the shelves, but the staff in Ambunti are all safe. It was the strongest earth quake the present residents of Ambunti had ever experienced. Again, to us, it is God’s calling for us to focus on Him and do His work. 


Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.  Due to lacking of foreign currency, PNG is facing severe fuel crisis that leads to power blackout, many flight cancelations, and other social issues. May God’s mercy dwell in PNG.

2.   PIM has found out the way to make successful transfer of the fund to PNG though it costs 4 times as it was done before. May God bless the fund wiring process.
儘管要花費以前的4倍的匯費,PIM (太島宣教事工)已經找到了將資金匯到新幾內亞的方法。求神保守資金電匯的流程。

3.   May God grant His Divine Protection to all 50+ PIM school teachers who serve in remote villages.

4.  Two of the generators of PIM are having some problems. And placing the order for getting the needed correct parts is challenging as it is impossible to get after-sales service in Ambunti.  May God have his mercy on the maintenance of the power supply system in the headquarter of PIM in Ambunti, and pave the way for Douglas to place the order of the right parts for the generators.

5.  Due to the fuel crisis, the network in Ambunti is down at the moment. And that makes it impossible for us to communicate with the staff there. May God sort out this issue for His ministries.

6.  May God bless our participants who attend the Level Two training course of sewing and Bible story devotion in Ambunti PNG, and give them divine love and courage to be able to conducts Dorcas Fellowship in their own churches.

7.  May God work among us at the board’s meeting of PIM PNG on April 19th and the online board’s meeting of PIM USA on April 21st.

8.  May God heal Douglas’ swollen ankle.  

9.  May God protect us on the way back to PNG: Taipei-April 15, 16-POM-April 19-Wewak, and make us do productive work during our 2-day-long stay in POM.
帝在我們返回新幾內亞途上保護我們。臺北 – 四月15, 16- 新幾內亞首都莫斯比 -四月19日 – 威瓦克;並保守我們在莫斯比停留的2天中洽公有豐富的成效。

10. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.願神看顧Sandy年邁的父母,賞賜他們救恩、健康、平安及喜樂。

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊 (Feb.)

The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊 Mar.