Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. At the time of being stranded, this is what we need the most. Though we are very busy with our ministries even when we are not in the mission field, we feel like stranded ships.



In Wewak, the town in PNG we are located in, is a stranded ship in the sea. It has already been there since we first visited the town. And every year we visit Wewak. We would wonder and say, “The ship is still here stranded.” And now this is almost the same as what I say to myself. Please be understanding to all stranded missionaries and pray for us. Trying hard to look for the passible flights back to PNG, we trust in the perfect plan of God. May God give us strength to be patient.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God guide us and make our way to PNG.


2. We need more churches, praying groups and individuals to be our long-term partners, participating in prayers and financial supports. May God provide for us.


3. I am going to conduct a week-end Bible story workshop in Fong-Shan on January 9th, 10th , 16th and 17th. May God grant me the strength needed and be with all the participants.

一月9, 10, 16, 17日下午我將要在鳳山主領周末聖經故事研習工作坊。求神賞賜所需力量,並與所有學員同在。(歡迎來信詢問 krystalocto@gmail.com)

4. On January 12th, Kellen and I are going to deliver the message on our ministry through the Zoom to a Chinese church in the USA. May God be in charge.

一月12Sandy Kellen將透過線上會議室對美國的一所華人教會傳遞事工異象。求神掌權運行。

5. TMM (Taiwan Mission Mobilization) is going to run a mission partners’ workshop in TaiChung on January, 23rd. May God bless our preparation.


(歡迎按此報名喔!https://line.me/ti/p/P3XIf1ow_I )

6. I am supposed to give a sermon in Taichung on January 24th. May God Grant me His Devine Wisdom.


7. Last week, I felt sick and my tongue was badly swollen. After resting in bed, the infection is gone now. Please pray for my health.


All for Him



In Christ