Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. And may the Lord be glorified: The medical crisis of the Ogmu family has been solved; the transfer of the fund for PIM got through last Friday after the effort of more than 3 week; and the market in Ambunti is functioning well now, that makes able to enjoy fresh pacu nearly every day.



The teachers of PIM schools finished their 2 weeks training last Friday. Some of them teach in the PIM School in Ambunti. A lot more of them left by boats last Saturday for the other PIM schools in the remote villages in the basin of East Sepik River. And the students are finally able to be back to school after a very long summer vacation.


However, there was some irruption on the school starting day in Ambunti: Teachers were fighting for classrooms. One of the grades were over signed up with 57 students. It’s hard for us to understand how this could be unknown to the school until the starting day or why a problem like this required fighting instead of sorting out. Douglas went up and sealed the fighting. Before the new classroom is built, the school needs to make 2 lower grade classes share one classroom: One class are to come in the morning, and the other in the afternoon. Through this I have learned that missionaries need to be mentors of local staff, working side by side with them, in order to have them change their mindset through sorting out the problems that happen to them. This cannot be achieved by preaching or running training courses.


There was a public high school in Ambunti. When I came last year, I saw the students came to school from other areas in their canoes. That was a very beautiful scenery on the river. However, the school shut down due to the big fights among villages and the government hasn’t restarted it yet it is a lot harder to restart than to shut down. The PIM school in Ambunti is up to grade 8 this year. Therefore, some parents have to send their children to the boarding schools in other parts of East Sepik Province.  


I have finished the Level Two training of sewing and Bible story devotion with 6 ladies, and am working on the exam for they to take for getting their certificates. Beside that, a guideline needs to be done for them to continue running Dorcas Fellowship in their churches. And they are very happy for me to inspect their church ministry before they come back for the Level Three training. Meanwhile, Douglas is guiding the local staff in dealing with some problems in the house: One of the bedroom walls has been home for thousands of termites. And as he is working on it, more problems with the house have been found. He is now dealing with the bedroom wall, the toilet tank, and the downstairs ceiling supporting structure at the same time.


The ladies in my sewing class finished their projects last Thursday. When I was doing the review for them, I was amazed by the progress God had made them achieve. For Level Two, they finished making the basic pattern, a sleeveless top, a pair of skirt pants, and a pencil case. I know it is hard work for them, and I am considering to make the skirt pants a project of Level Three in the future instead of Level Two. For cheering them up, I made different snacks for them each day they came to the classroom under my apartment. That was also to give the ladies new ideas of what they can sell for their business in the market. When they finished their work, we took a group snap, wearing what had been made by themselves. They were so satisfied and couldn’t wait to share the photos to others.


Surviving in the mission fields makes missionaries a lot more creative than we are in our home countries. As the rice and noodles Douglas and I brought from Wewak are going to run out though we at times buy sago from the locals, it is time to take out the flour and use it. We can hardly buy any ingredients here for making the stuffing of water dumplings and steam buns. Last week, I made some steamed buns that were stuffed with sago worms. The juicy worms made so perfect gravy inside the buns that Douglas who doesn’t normally enjoys worms couldn’t stop eating them. I made water dumplings with some smashed long beans today, and that tasted good, too. When I was in Taiwan, I never thought of making vegetarian water dumplings with long beans, and of course, not steamed buns with worms. Enjoy the pictures with me and give thanks to God!


Please remember us in your prayers. 



1. May God bless us with continuous good reception of cellphone signal and network.

2.  May God bless our participants who attend the Level Two training course of sewing and Bible story devotion, and give them divine love and courage to be able to conducts Dorcas Fellowship in their own churches.

3.   May God strengthen all PIM school teachers as they start the new semester with their pupils and put His love into their hearts.

4.   Douglas is having a swollen ankle on his right leg again. May God heal Douglas’ swollen ankle and my gum.  

5.  Operating a mission organization, Douglas is busy working  with all the needs in all different departments of the organization, in PNG and in the USA, every day. May God give him the strength needed.

6.   May God guide us with the preparations and the trip planning for going back to Taiwan in March.

7.  I was recently informed that my old papa who takes care of my mom who suffers from dementia also appears to have problem with mental degeneration. But he refuse to have a checkup in the hospital. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊