Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. My cough is almost healed and I am able to live a normal life.



Beside taking necessary medication, and wearing a neck guard and a waist support, Kellen is also trying to get help from the pain clinic. It seems to be able to release her a lot.


I have been attending an on-line course on church engagement in global mission this month. Thank God that I am able to be encouraged in the class and be blessings to other participants. Recently, I have the eager of wearing a pair of wings and flying to where God has called me to serve. This eager has become stronger and stronger. And God gives me the eager to share the wings to others. If God also give you the eager of serving in PNG, please contact me. We can study tok-pisin the langue together.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. PNG is characterized by the diversity of the culture. Please check this link. The webpage is in Chinese, but there are several attached links of the resource webpages which are in English and will enable you to know more about PNG. May God help people in PNG break through the barriers and find the Truth.

2. We have been stuck for 19 months due to the pandemic and our illnesses. May God give us peace while we are waiting, and pave the way for us to go back to PNG.

3. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.

4. I am still suffering from periodontal disease and hope it can be cured before I take off for PNG. May God’s healings dwell upon me.

5. May God continue healing my cough.

6. My father is going to have an operation removing his cat eye. May God bless him.

All for Him



In Christ
