Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We had two nights with rain showers this week. That released us from the issue of water shortage.

Our friend, Christa, paid us a visit. And we enjoyed our time of fellowship. Christa lives on an island, running a small store mainly selling rice, oil, tinned fish…that she purchases in Wewak, and selling "meri blaus" she makes to support her parents, two nieces without parents, and the ministry she is deeply involved in.

In PNG, all women wear the same style of dress called meri blaus that covers the curve of the body. I like to wear meri blaus. All my meri blaus have been made by Christa since we met each other in a story camp and became good friends in 2014. She came to Wewak on Monday and made this meri blaus for me. It took her only few hours to make one. I will wear this meri blaus of PNG flag on Saturday, the 48th anniversary of Independence Day of PNG.


Christa is a teacher in the church, conducting and teaching youth camps and women’s camps in quite a few cities in PNG. When I first got to know her, I saw her do all the paper work in hand-writing. In 2015, I gave her a used computer, spent an evening teaching her how to make a document with WORD, and persuaded her that she must turn all her paper work into digitals. The result is that not only has she been able to do so but she also has taught numerous people and made them able to work with computers.

Hoping Christa would have more income, I taught her how to make purses while I was cooking on Tuesday morning. She is such a good learner that it took her only 3 hours to learn to make two purses. Her sewing is the best I have ever seen in PNG. After lunch, we took her to town. That allowed her to do some shopping before she took the last bus to the boat she was taking. May God bless His hard-working and faithful servant.


Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.   May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.  May God protect all our staff in Ambunti and Wewak, and all PIM teachers who serve in remote villages.  

3.    May God grant sufficient rain water during the dry season.  

4.  We were supposed to be working in the US now, and Douglas is concentrating in preparing all the reports for the board’s meeting that is going to take place in the middle of this month and another in the beginning of November. May God give him wisdom and grant us sufficient network.

5.   Douglas is in charge of ministries of PIM in Ambunti, Wewak and the USA, working day and night with multi-tasks. May God bless him with good health.

6.   The Education Department of PNG is having a project with PIM, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG. PIM is facing difficulties in finding representatives in all different areas. May God pave the way and grant His divine wisdom.  新幾內亞教育部與PIM目前有一個合作方案,即發送十萬份宗教教育教科書到各省的公立中學。PIM要在各地區找代辦人員有很大困難。求神開路、賞賜智慧。

7.   The application documents of my work visa had been misplaced by the government department. And the agent has resent them. May God pave our path.  
Sandy 的工作簽證申請文件被政府部門弄丟了,代辦員已經重新呈交文件,求神開路。

8.   May God heal Douglas’ swollen ankle.  

9.  Douglas is having a bad cough that has affected his sleep, strength, breathing and swallowing. May God heal him.  

10.  May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊