Dear all,

I would like to thank you for receiving, interceding and forwarding my letter. As my first letter to young readers was issued on May 7th, several churches have taken action among their Sunday schools. Furthermore, some teachers have searched TV news to get more information and encouraged their students to write to Pa-Pa God, interceding for PNG. Praise the Lord! Let's all participate in praying for PNG and look forward to God's performing His Power.



We have less than 1 and a half months left before our departure for PNG. Spiritual battles have become more and more real, and prayers more and more urgent. Praise the Lord for He gives more and more clear directions. Acts Chapter 16 says how Paul's mission team first traveled from Asia to Europe. As they witnessed for Christ at the river side, they were invited to the house of Lydia that became where the congregation gathered. This year is our first time for Sandy and Kellen to start the work in the town Wewak. Beside starting our Mission Dorcas under the tree or beside the market place, we should seriously pray to God for our "Lydia" .


This May has become an over loaded month--- my white hair has increased significantly. Cramps on my leg that happen very often and severe pain due to Piriformis Syndrome have reminded me to rely on God more and upset myself less. God has used one of my own former sermons to reinforce me that the strength for serving the Lord is from the Lord Himself and the reward of being faithful is the privilege to serve the Lord. I should put aside what people might say as God gives clear guidance and I am willing to follow His Voice. Praise the Lord! His promises never shake. He is the source of our hope.


I would like to invite you to remember my prayer requests:

1. May God inspire more and more Chinese followers of Jesus Christ to become blessings for PNG with a pure heart like children.

2. May God grant "Lydia" in Wewak that is willing to work with us.

3. May God give Sandy & Kellen good health and protect our families.


1. 求神激勵更多華人主內肢體以小孩一樣單純的心志成為新幾內亞的祝福。

2. 求神給Sandy & Kellen 在威瓦克樂意與我們一起同工的「呂底亞」。

3. 求神保守Sandy & Kellen 身心靈健康,也守護我們的家人。



Sandy 20190527