Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. The ladies in the sewing course have been enjoying sewing and devotion. They are going to finish their work soon. We are going to finish the course on Wednesday the 28th. They are going to teach other women in their church next week.

The participants learn to memorize Bible verses through story boards in our devotion time. And I find out that, after drawing the story boards and memorizing Bible verses, the participants “step” into Bible verses and understand Bible study much better.

Mrs. Carson, who can’t read or write, has become more confident. She has practiced drafting patterns at home every day. On Sunday morning, she talked to the women in AOG Church and they decided to develop sewing ministry in their women’s fellowship. I don’t know how she talked to the pastor’s wife. Let’s keep praying for them.

Mrs. Carson came to Douglas and me with Mr. Carson on Sunday afternoon. She apologized for her previous misunderstanding with me. I really appreciate her wording saying “What happened last year has passed. This year we have restarted and I will learn very hard.” I didn’t expect her to apologize but I thank God for the smile on her face like a little girl. As I am writing this letter now, she is singing and doing her sewing work.

Many of the women in PNG had been taught how to use the sewing machine by previous missionaries. Most of my students can sew with the hand-paddled sewing machine much better and quicker than I do. Most of them have a long way to go in learning to draft patterns and sewing technique, but each of them has her strength in some aspects: Some understand the rulers better than others; Some work very carefully; Some are very patient in teaching other women; Some are very interested in leading the devotion; Some are good at fixing sewing machines. I hope God’s love will bring them together and they serve Him in unity.  

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. ---1 Corinthians 12:12 

We have to leave Ambunti for Wewak on Friday the 30th and go to POM for sorting out my work permit. As MAF has to restrict their flights for emergencies (medical) due to the issue of fuel crisis, we will have to take a boat and then a car this time. We are supposed to go to Australia for a shopping trip on March 11th. Let’s pray and hope my visa can be done by then.


Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.       PNG government is short of US Dollars for buying fuel. The chain effects have caused a sharp rise in prices and . May God help PNG government in sorting out the fuel crisis.   
新幾內亞政府缺乏購買燃油的美元。 其連鎖效應導致物價大幅上漲及其他社會問題。 願上帝幫助新幾內亞政府解決燃油危機。

2.       PIM has been having a project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG. May God bless the big job of distribution.  

3.       MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) has had three accidents last year. They are elevating the standard of requirements to the airstrips in the villages. May God bless them in enforcing their new regulation. 
 MAF(宣教飛行團契)去年發生了三起事故。 他們正在提高各村莊裡飛機跑道的要求標準。 願上帝保守他們執行新的規定。

4.       May God grand wisdom and patience to the trained women in the sewing training course in developing the sewing ministries of Dorcas Fellowship in South Sea Evangelical Church in Ambnuti and the AOG Church in Ambunti.

5.       May God grant Mrs. Carson wisdom in developing relationship with the new pastor’s wife in AOG Church in Ambunti, and enable to work in unity concerning the sewing ministry in the Dorcas Fellowship in AOG Church.

6.       May God give me wisdom in efficiently helping the ladies here in long term with pricy sewing resource like sewing machines and tailors’ rulers.

7.       May God remember Beverlyn’s & Jennifer’s hearts in serving Him in the sewing ministry, and provide their families with their needs.

8.       May God bless the work of the Women’s fellowship in South Sea Evangelical Church in Ambunti at raising fund for the generator.

9.       May God remember Douglas’ hard working and bless him with good health.    

10.   We are going to leave Ambunti on Friday. May God bless us with safe journey all the way from Ambunti to POM.  

11.   May God pave our path to renewing my work visa.  

12.   May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

13.   May God watch over my brother’s family: emember their hard working and traveling, and bless their work and study.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


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The latest update of Douglas Jan. 2024 道格拉斯近期通訊 2024年一月


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