Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Our tasks of relocating the webpages are getting smoother. When it is all done and in use, you will be able to find out what has been done by me, a computer idiot, and what has been done by Kellen, a computer pro. We thank God that He has made us all different.



During the past six weeks of not being able to go to church, Sis Patty came to me every Sunday. We read the Bible and ate together. We both enjoyed the sweet fellowship. As she newly purchased a computer, I taught her some basic computer lessons. Me?! Teaching computer lessons?! Yes. I am a computer idiot but a daring teacher. There is a Chinese saying, “Learning through teaching.” Her questions during the past weeks have inspired me a lot and brought me a frame of lesson plan in mind on how I could teach computer lessons in PNG. Isn’t it amazing? I am glad that Patty now is more confident with her ability of self-learning with the help of a Word handbook.


And we know that all things work together

for good to them that love God,

to them who are the called according to his purpose.


叫愛 神的人得益處、


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. Kellen is going to the doctor this Thursday. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.


2. My mom is supposed to go to the doctor this Thursday, too. May God give the doctor wisdom to deal with problem of my mom’s cervical spine.


3. I am still suffering from periodontal disease and hope it can be cured before I take off for PNG. May God’s healings dwell upon me.


4. All day care centers for seniors have to shut down because of the pandemic. My old Pa-Pa is now under great pressure taking care of my mom. May God look after my parents.


5. Due to renal failure, my dad is badly losing weight and strength. That is really worrisome. May God strengthen him.


6. May God guide us in all the work of website relocation.


All for Him



In Christ
